4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

听很多人说来这里求的签很灵, 因为我从来没求过, 所以不知道. 孩子喜欢关公与岳飞, 所以来朝圣一下!
因本身尊崇武圣关公关二爷的关系,特地跑去文武庙拜拜。入口处,有只非常高大的红狮, 也有一尊关二爷的石像。庙里头的装璜雕刻都非常讲究,往上逛,就可以一览无疑的欣赏到日月潭风景。在文武庙的对面,也有不同种类的小吃店。
在庙门 印入眼帘的是一对大红狮子 传说的故事让庙宇增添了一些神秘性山门的设计堪称经典 楼梯是不规则的石块 更显示出庙宇的古老前殿的藻井刻划著无数的封神演义的故事后殿的大成殿堂 更突显台湾对儒家的尊崇后面的九龙抢珠更是宏观 边上的壁画石雕 更是让人惊艳楼顶的风光更是把日月潭的美景 一览无疑
非常有台湾味的庙。你要是想看到台湾祭拜的神像,这里可以看到全部,除了济公师父好像没有,总之规画得不错,也可以了解很多台湾基本面,相 信台湾本地人也未必了解这么多记载,去看看收获也很多,单日月潭其实可以让你玩个半个月,不相信喔? 就怕你没时间,没预算OK~有省钱的玩法,除非你想住云品、涵碧楼,我是日月潭玩家!!
准备考试求孔子文昌帮忙尽然如愿考上下次一定要亲自感谢 得到圣神保佑 庙里挂了好多的风铃我也求了一个写了愿望尽然如愿 到这庙好运挡不住建议大家有空去拜拜不错
Nice big traditional Buddhist temple. The one thing that make this temple special to tourists are the wind chimes souvenirs sold inside the tempe for 350 nt dollars. One could write your wishes on it , pass it over the incense to carry your wishes up to the heavens, then cross over the road to the " Year of Steps", search for the step with your birtth date labled on , it then hang it there. Let the windchime carry your wishes across every time winds blows through it. Hmmmm, very whimsical, agree ?
From there, u can have a great view of the lake. The temple has a tinge of modernism where there is a machine which can explain the divination lot for you at 80NT D. Go to admire the temple structure and view of the lake. Accessible by public bus, 80NTD for one day pass.
I saw many temples and pagodas for the last 10 days in Taiwan but this is the best. There are so many stone carvings that is difficult to comprehend.
A very beautiful temple with exquisite architecture and decorations. The altars are gorgeously crafted, including the ceilings, walls, post and the traditional roofs. A place worthy of respect for worshipers' honor they give to their gods. A worthy visit for any tourist.
This is a holy shrine to be treated with respect - no shouting, no American chewing gum. Find your way up by the increasingly narrow staircases to gain a great view of the Sun Moon lake from the temple roof.