niseko village ski resort


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niseko village ski resort







真的很不错!他们不仅提供滑雪/滑雪板装备的租赁服务,还有滑雪课程……这里位置绝佳,就位于拥有一流滑道,适合学习及练习的Ace Family Pair lift那儿。我们的英国教练——杰克很不错,很有耐心的给我们说明和演示!几节课后,他带领我们去一些更难,更长的滑道上试了试,并直到确认我们够安全,才让我们自己滑行。我们所有的装备都是在这里租的……总之,强烈推荐,不仅拥有一流员工,价钱也合理!


Wonderful beginner slopes, nice and gentle. We had out first experience of night skiing here and was wonderful! We also experienced wonderful Japanese service when my daughter dropped one of her gloves during the chair lift ride. We told her there was no way to get it back and we decided to do 2 last rounds before calling it quits (and before her hand freezed up!). When we went up the lifts, the lift operator noticed her hand without a glove and motioned to ask why (since she only speaks japanese). I said she dropped it at the lifts and pointed up the hill. We didn't think anything of it. Then on our last round back up the chair lift, when we reached up top, the other lift operator pointed at my daughter's hand and asked us to wait. We were puzzled at first, then realised someone was coming up the lifts with her glove! True enough, barely a minute later, one of the emergency response crew came up the lifts and handed over my daughter's glove. You can imagine our absolute delight as we thought it was completely lost. That gesture truly made our day and trip!


We have been fortunate to have experienced skiing in Europe, Canada, Colorado and New Zealand, and this resort in Japan suited us perfectly with heaps of off-piste skiing once you get familiar with the field and its terrain. The systems, including the lifts are very well run, no fuss efficiency and the town has a huge range of eating styles. Good retail too. Plenty of options for all levels of skiing. Be prepared for the cold. We left our trip a couple of weeks late as the snow was getting a bit heavy when we left in early March, but we still had some very good powder snow.


I spent four days skiing Niseko in January 2015 with my adult daughter and had a great time. Nice big mountain with excellent snow conditions, good sized village with plenty of dining options. I highly recommend tour company Ski Japan, they did a great job setting us up with a very nice condo, and arranging airport transfers, equipment rental, lift tickets, dining reservations for us, they really made the trip worry free and a great experience. I went to Niseko for the cultural attraction of skiing Japan, and was very pleased by the snow quality. It turns out that it is quite the powder hound destination, with the result that even if you stay on the trails, the packed powder is fresher and bouncier than Eastern North America or Europe. Lift lines were not an issue, but we were mid-January, away from any holiday surge times.For us, the high content of Australian staff and visitors at Niseko gave us two holidays in one, you can alternate your stops between spots that appeal to Japanese vs. Australian visitors, you can experience Japanese culture, you can also take a time out at spots that cater to the International set. Who doesn't like Australians? Gregarious, fun group. We had a great experience that we will long remember as one of our more enjoyable trips.


The least best of Niseko United, lots of beginners,can be icy and very expensive drinks at the bottom. It' would be good in most parts of the world but has such Annupuri next door and Hiraffu and Hanazono the other way and these are all awesome. So, bit of a poor relation really


A great little ski resort served by two major hotels. Liked - small, few queues, views, efficient lifts, excellent staff, cool shops and cafes.Ski area may be limited for some adventurous skiers, but more than made up for by the views - stunning!!


We first came here 12 years ago and only met 1 Australian, now the resort is teeming with Aussies. Don't get me wrong Im one myself but the Japanese are a quiet respectful race and I grimace at some of the antics we get up to. In saying that the resort offers a plethora of bars,cafes and eating places with a huge variety of menus.Heated footpaths now allow a non slip pathway down the village and small improvements and new accommodation and developments are springing up everywhere making this resort a commercial hub for skiers to visit and enjoy.


167 Aza Yamada, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido- corner of main intersection by Seikomart.Guide for Rusutsu completely unprofessional - did not check levels of everyone skiing, ducked roped into closed areas and didn't bother to make sure group was all caught up. We had one each slower skier and snowboarder among us who struggled and guide was too far ahead to notice. You will be paying for the instructors' ski day so avoid or find certified guides.


The first day we skied in Niseko I thought I had made a major mistake. There was a huge blizzard and all of the lifts in Hirafu (where we were staying) were closed except for the bottom quad and the gondola. The lift lines were insane (20-30 minutes which tbh isn't out of the realm of reason for the US but is ridiculous for Japan). However, thankfully we had the presence of mind to hop onto one of the resort shuttles (free) and go to Annupuri. That's where the love affair began.Their top lifts weren't running in Annupuri either but the crowds were vastly reduced. No lines and plenty of the lightest, most perfect powder snow I've ever skied on. We spent the day going through the gates into the natural half pipes and gullies and it seriously may be my favorite day of skiing ever. The rest of the week we didn't get much fresh but, even so, the snow kept remarkably well. We even got a couple of bluebird days which the locals all grumble about (it means it's not snowing!!) but provided us with spectacular views of mount yotei and the chance to hike to the top of Niseko mountain through the top gates (which aren't open when it's storming).Just a couple of notes, the lifts are never crazy crowded unless the mid/top ones are shut down but the secret is definitely out on this place. Don't expect empty trails. We met people from Australia, England, China, Singapore, Colorado, Canada, Saudi Arabia and the list goes on and on. I probably witnessed the most injuries/people getting taken off of the mountain here of any mountain I've ever been on. By the end of our week, the conditions were getting a bit variable (not bad by any means) but some of the trails that had been hit by the sun were icy, especially in the morning before they softened back up. I think some of the skiers/boarders here weren't used to anything but perfect powder so it did get a bit dicey trying to avoid the out of control people on the main trails. If you stick to the gates you'll be fine though. One last thing, don't bother eating lunch at Hanazono. It's expensive compared to what to get elsewhere on the mountain. Annupuri was by far our fav lunch place.


The snow is probably the best in the world in regard to ski resorts. Fantastic for learners and intermediate. If you are looking for extreme lines and stuff to drop this is probably not your place. Ski patrol in Japan in general is very conservative. Not as crowded as Hirafu but still gets cut up pretty fast on a powder day. Don't bother eating anywhere near the Hilton or surrounding area as it is excessively expensive. There is a shuttle which links Hirafu and Annupuri frequently. If you have an all mountain pass it's free other wise it's a few hundred yen. This area would be good for s family.


We hired our clothing, ski's and also booked our lessons, the staff were excellent, we did exchange emails with the resort prior to our arrival


Ok, I'm a beginner kinda skier so this review is primarily about the food. BTW my son's a mad snowboarder and he loved the powder ..Firstly, DO NOT bother staying at the Hilton, the accommodation is horrid and the food ordinary. It would be worth a day trip for the skiing. I would highly, highly recommend staying at the Hirafu Village, rent an apartment , and in the evenings, your options for dining is so much more exciting.We only had 6 nights, the first we were tired and ate near the Hilton - overpriced and you can get better food at any Chinatown in the worldHaving learnt our lesson, we ventured into Hirafu each and every other night (15 - 20 mins bus ride from the Hilton) for our dinners. Must visits:Bang Bang - small but sooo nice, we had expected the staff and service to be standoffish because they were so popular (we could only book in with 3 days notice) but service was really friendly, the food very good and incredibly only $110 for three of us - and we had one very hungry teenager!Izakaya Raku - a must go to for the yakitori pork belly and butter grilled Hokke (fish) no reservationsFujizushi - craving sushi on our fourth day (it's crazy but it's really not readily available as you'd think, in Japan!) we found this place across from Seicomart, there are NO ENGLISH signs indicating the name of the restaurant. You go in , write your name on the list and wait. Don't be disheartened by the queues, lack of eye contact or generally grumpy staff - many guests walk out after a while of being ignored but we persevered... and boy was it worth it! The food was really good, especially the lamb pot bento set, only $20 and yummilicious :) The staff were patient and transformed into smiling nice people - it was one of our better dining experiences. Fridge bar aka Gyu Bar - such a find ! The main drawcard of course is finding it because of the obscure entrance but inside it's a very intimate space, great for couples not so much for families. Staff were really accommodating and top quality service.There are many more restaurants that we didn't get into, like Abuchan (they said come back in February ..) , The Barn, Kamimura etc , etc, we would have to return next year!Other tips:Best massage - Arigato at the J Sekka, absolute blissBest ski school (English)- NBS at Hirafu, instructors were interested in getting you to learn, made skiing fun. Special mention to DK from Korea, he really made me enjoy falling down!Some of the other schools, the instructors were really just there to ski, not interested to teach and had very little patience.Everything in Hirafu centres around Seicomart, which is the local supermarket, it's like a landmark. All the dining places are within walking distance of Seicomart.


We stayed in Hirafu/Niseko , rented house there and walked to and from the Grand Hirafu Gondolas.We were able to store our skis and boots right next to the Gondolas .So no lugging gear. There is also a bus taking you to and from the Gondolas if you don't want to walk. Ski Valets/storage is only available for certain accomodation. Heaps of snow no waiting at the lifts and food to die for.The whole trip was organised by AMPED SKI ADVENTURE SPECIALISTS. Every thing was perefect .We will use this company again.

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