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Palya! Welcome to Anangu land. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is...










有人说乌鲁鲁是最能代表澳洲这个国家的景色。在澳洲中部这片红色荒漠的正中心,这块昂然矗立着的变色巨石遗世而独立。它是著名的地理奇观,也是孕育了澳洲土著文化的摇篮。在今年澳洲的冬季,我曾有幸在乌鲁鲁附近留了些日子,见证过这块大石头神奇的色彩变化。 巨石处于国家公园中,以乌鲁鲁为主,整个自然保护区还包括不远处的风之谷。公园辽阔无边,适合自驾游或参与背包客团,但没有车子则寸步难行。区域内有各种价格的食宿设施,都集中在同一处,因此,游客还可以与来自世界各地的志同道合者交流心得。我在乌鲁鲁逗留的首日下雨,次日阴天。幸而后来天晴,得见日出。当阳光变换着角度洒在这块庄严的石头上时,巨石表面深深浅浅的纹理在自己身上留下了班驳的痕迹,独特而奇异。深红的,绯红的,橘红的,橙黄的……巨石的种颜色让人驻足屏息,叹为观止。走近乌鲁鲁,绕石而行,齐腰的枯草以及巨石外围散落的低矮树木给人非洲原野的错觉。烈日下的行云在沉默的巨石上投下瞬息万变的影,而延绵的巨石则以景致各异的每个侧面,让游人在两个半小时的步行中感受着不同乐趣。乌鲁鲁可攀爬,但当地人并不建议。另外,大石头附近有文化中心展示土著文化。据说暴雨下的乌鲁鲁会因其表面的沟壑形成无数瀑布,场面壮观。然而无论何种天气,乌鲁鲁都将以其极致的景观震撼人心。值得珍藏的还有当地人对土地、自然与文化那份由衷敬畏与热爱。


great weekend. One of the must do things for every Australian. We spend three nights and that was long enough. We hired a car which gave us freedom to come and go.


I am not easily impressed, but this was pretty impressive. The size of this rock is overwhelming and to understand how it was formed along with the indigenous history makes it an amazing story. We take so much for granted and under appreciate what we have in Australia - 40,000 years of culture. I was disappointed to see people still climbing the rock, would you climb your church back home please treat it with respect. Today I walked around Uluru make sure you do this early as it gets very hot 39C and don't forget the your fly net. The walk is flat and easy to do. Enjoy and take it in, another bucket list item ticked off- yeah and worth it. It cost $25 to get into the park and it is valid for 3 days.


I have waited a long time to get to the Red Centre and of course I have seen lots of photos and heard lots of stories about the big red rock, but I'm glad to say I was absolutely awestruck at the sheer size and beauty, not to mention the changing colours and characteristics of the rock as we walked the 10.5 kms around the base. With the additional walks into the special areas, we did around 15kms all up. We started early and the whole tour took around 4 hours because we didn't want to miss a thing. Afterwards we visited the cultural centre to find out more about the people who came to Uluru, their customs and lifestyle, many thousands of years ago as well as more recently.Later we watched the sunset from the car park, which provided amazing photo opportunities and the chance to meet fellow travellers from around the world.We went back twice over the following two days to revisit some of our favourite places.We didn't climb Uluru out of respect for the custodians of the land on which Uluru stands, but this in no way detracted from our thorough enjoyment and education.


My first visit to Uluru was much more than I expected! Yes it is a large piece of rock, but those who only see it as simply that are deluded. It is often said that the traveller sees what he sees, yet the tourist sees what he has come to see. Uluru has so much more to offer than just its breath-taking appearance, its wrinkles and scars tell us unique tales. Those who choose to only look skin-deep are simply missing out on the true worth of Uluru.


My husband and I just spent 3 days staying at Uluru. I thought it was just another long weekend but I have to say i am so glad I made the trip. It is really a unique place and we had a great time. Opting to do the trips and dinners on offer including the camel ride, everything was great. The set up of the resorts and transport, tours and experiences was excellent, there is something for everyone. Main downfall, everything is extremely expensive as you have to get it there. Food, alcohol (very expensive) and trips are quite pricey, but you are there for the experience.


You can feel it when you are there--I think you would feel the spirits and the legends if you had no prior knowledge as the formaitons of Uluru are so majestic and awe-inspiring. You KNOW it is a holy place. The paths give you a broad variety of perspectives; benches are quite good spots for contemplation.


The country is unusual and beautiful. We had dinner in the desert and watched the rock as sunset. The next morning we arrive to watch the rock change colors at sunrise.


Arrived here, after a long journey from Alice Springs, to see this wondrous sight. It is certainly as impressive, close up, as it was as when we approached it. Arrived in the morning when it was a blueish colour. Changed colour thought the day, culminating an a sunset glory of a blaze of colours. Well worth the visit


We did the sunrise coach trip - then walked from Mala Carpark all around the base - ending up at the cultural centre - the temperature by then I guess in the high 30's - fan bloody tactic.Later the same day we did the Olgas trip - then on to Uluru for sunset - as very cloudy did not expect much, but, just before sun down the rock just seemed to 'light up' from the inside.Magnificent - not to be missed.


Uluru is impressive as it appears on the horizon as you drive towards it. In the afternoon our tour arranged to drive us to a viewing area where a table was set up with hors d'oeuvres and champagne. So we sat and watched Uluru change colors as the sun set.

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