templo zu lai
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A great place for those interested in Buddhism. Temple has a common prayer room, rooms for studying Buddhist scriptures and meditation rooms. There is also a small museum and a vegetarian restaurant. Pleasant to walk around the beautiful gardens and sit on a bench to relax and reflect.
Wonderful and well-preserved temple with easy access from São Paulo. The Zu-Lai temple is a complex building with a main ceremony room, place for meditation, a Buddhist museum, and a beautiful garden. The 2-floor temple and the garden were designed in accordance with the Feng Shui philosophy. The visitation may start after climbing the stairs surrounded by symbolic statues (sacred animals, saints), the Buddha and the Kwan Yin. You can end the visit to the beautiful lake and garden. Many materials and statues were sent directly from China, due to effort of a deceased Chinese businessman and the Buddhist congregation. There is a vegetarian buffet (paid) that complete the tour. There many volunteers and monks that serve to and live in the temple. Don't miss this unique and splendid representative of Buddhism in Brazil! An excellent opportunity to exercise your espirituality.
It feels peaceful. The gardens and premises are very well kept, giving you the feeling you are not in the eye sores of the Sao Paolo's outskirts
The temple is an unique experience in Cotia-Sao Paulo-Brazil.An exotic place to visit and share a budist way of leaving.Go to visit with some time anf after lunch.Visit the turtle lake and rest.Wonderful experience.
Anyone looking to run away from big cities craziness should plan a visit to this Buddhist temple located 45 min from Sao Paulo.It is also a recommended visit for tourists.The temple is beautiful and it's worth a view by itself. The meditation rooms are great, they have weekly celebrations (I'm positive about the ones that takes place every Sunday morning). There's even a small museum. The lake (down the hill, left of the temple) is a place to rest, have a picnic or simply enjoy the day with the family.The vegetarian restaurant is very cheap and has an ok food (it's maintained by the temple followers and monks). There's also a cafeteria.
The temple is pretty but the way the administrators treat people is not Buddhist at all. Twice I've seen people being mistreated in front of me (when they were doing something apparently reprehensible although guidelines were nowhere to be seen nor there were people explaining what not to do or how to behave) and it also happened to me and my husband once because we were "in the way". Replying to email inquiries is also not one of their strongest suits and I don't find it right that they segment Buddhism (clearly looking down on you if you follow a different lineage, which is against the Dalai Lama's judgement). It is very touristy and it did not leave a good impression. I have visited it with my husband but it wasn't a romantic visit as TripAdvisor puts it. It was a family trip but we do not have children.
Look like that you are in Nepal. On Sundays they have amazing ceremonies. This Temple also has a fantastic veggie restaurant with reasonable price.
The temple itself is an amazing building and it has great spots for sightseeing. Also, there is a garden that surrounds the place which is very well maintained. The restaurant over there only serves veggie food for a reasonable price. Good place to visit alone, with friends or family.
It does not matter if you are religious or if you follow Buddhism. This is the place to be. Specially in a Sunday.Most of people thinks that Dalai Lama is the supreme authority for Buddhism. Well, he's not... He's the supreme authority for Tibetan Buddhism. This is a Tibetan Buddhism temple. They have ceremonies in Chinese and also in Portuguese.It does not matter at all... it's a very good, beautiful place to spend a Sunday afternoon. Do not forget to walk around the gardens.
The Temple is wonderful, the architecture is great and the gardens are very beautiful, specially if you visit form middle July to beginning of August when the cherry trees are blooming. It has a cafe, vegetarian restaurant, bathrooms and a gift shop. Very beautiful place to visit.
Great place to visit and chill out. Peaceful and quiet with a great atmosphere. Veggie food,yet tasteful.
Deseja desacelerar e ter contato com um ambiente totalmente zen e deliciosamente tranquilo, entao este é o lugar para vc conhecer, va com roupas leves para poder caminhar em todo o Templo mas respeite as vestimentas proibidas constante no site do templo zulai http://www.templozulai.org.br/ . Restaurante interno simplesmente delicioso com comidas vegetarianas mas super saborosas e preços justos, estacionamento totalmente free mas se vc desejar pode fazer um contribuição em forma de doação.Vale a visita.
É um ambiente de muita beleza e leveza, ótimo para passar uma tarde ou manhã. Há um restaurante de comida vegetariada feita pelos monges, é bem servido.Já estive lá diversas vezes e muitas delas peguei apresentações do curso de artes marciais.
Local de equilíbrio e paz, além de grande beleza natural. Visitei em um domingo, e pude perceber uma ótima estrutura para receber as pessoas, inclusive com restaurantes e estacionamento no local. Oferece cerimônias, mesmo pra quem não segue a filosofia budista, e está em busca de um passeio tranquilo e agradável.Para aproveitar todos os ambientes, é importante que o visitante use roupas discretas, adequadas a visitas do gênero religioso. Fiquei maravilhada com o lugar, com a calma que transmite. Gostei muito do chá que fica disponível a quem quiser experimentar, e de todos os ambientes.
Se quer um lugar calmo, belo e conhecer uma cultura, este é o local, ótima visita.Há um restaurante, lanchonete.Aproveite o ano novo chinês para aproveitar as festas.O Templo Zu Lai, situado em Cotia na região metropolitana de São Paulo, é o primeiro templo do Monastério Fo Guang Shan na América Latina.De terça feira à sexta feira: das 12h às 17h.Sábados, domingos e feriados: das 9h30 às 17h.Segundas-feiras: Fechado (Mesmo se feriado).CafeteriaDe terça a sexta das 12h às 17h, sábados, domingos e feriados das 10h às 17h. Yaksoba, lanches e salgados vegetarianos, doces, café, chá, sucos e água.LojinhaArtigos e livros budistasRefeitórioAberto somente aos sábados, domingos e feriados das 12h às 14h30.Playground - Ao lado do Refeitório.Estacionamento - Não é cobrado. Doações para manutenção do templo são bem-vindas.Telefones públicos - Na entrada do refeitório.Elevador - Acesso pelo pátio de manobras.