shumen fortress
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The easiest way to get to the fortress is by car via the road which snakes up. When the weather is not cold you can go there, visit the fortress, then have a walk in the forest or make a picnic. The fortress has been there for 3000 years and has a great importance for the history of the region. Whenever I go there (about once in 2 years) there is always some kind of renovation works. I love the panoramic view of the city which can be seen from the top of the remaining tower. There are explanation boards in 3 languages at the beginning of the site and some small notices here and there. There MUST be more explanations about the buildings whose foundations still remain, what their purpose was, etc. Someone must think of this in order to attract more visitors.The entrance fee is symbolical - 3 leva for adults and 1 lev for kids!In the compound is also a small museum which was not open at the time we were there.
I usually visit the fortress from the monument 1300 years Bulgaria - it's a nice 2-3 hours walk. The fortress offers a very nice view and, even though there's still place for improvement in terms of the state of the remnants, I really enjoy walking around the district.You can as well reach the fortress by car and then walk around the area, have a picnic, play some sports, read a book..during the summer the place gets busy in the weekends since families come to make a barbecue or simply relax in the forest nearby.
It was the first bulgarian capital. Do not forget to visit the basilica situated 5 mins drive from the old city.
The plateau near Shumen was inhabited from more than 3 000 years due to its privileged position, overlooking the valley; it is an important site for the history of Bulgaria and the Balkanic zone. Prehistoric peoples, Thracians, Macedonians, Romans, Slavs, Bulgars, Byzantines, Turks have mastered the region.Shumen fortress worth a visit if you are in Bulgaria although now it is ruined and only a few walls ant towers were reconstructed. The site has also a small museum.But, as disadvantages:- it is difficult to reach the fortress as missing signs; I saw only one, just not well placed.- more historical informations are needed (brochures, leaflets etc.).
This is a place of obvious historic significance for the Bulgarian people, but its actual condition is nothing short of deplorable. There is just a vast space with rocks that once were defensive walls. There are only very basic explanation, so, if you plan to visit this place, do some research before!
The place is reconstracted, not much to see but anyway - a nice walk and a nice view of the city ot Shumen.
A landmark in Shumen ,Shumen Fortress was built by Thracians and was later completed and reconstructed by Romans, Byzantines, and Bulgarians. It is believed that the first fortification built in this place is 3200 years old, which makes it one of the oldest fortifications in Bulgaria. Conquered and demolished many times, Shumen Fortress rose to new life and existed until 1444.
Unabe to access due to roadworks and muddy access after rain
I always smell the walls when i visit an old and ancient place.This fortress had a nice smell and great history.
Одно из немногих мест, где осталось нечто большее, чем руины + общая площадь бывшей крепости в целом интересны. Неспешно идут восстановительные работы. С единственной башни открывается красивый вид на город! Рекомендую к посещению! Вход - 3 лева с человека!
Domina Shumen dall'alto della collina e, vista lassù, impressiona. Una volta giunti sul posto, però, ci si accorge che la parte bella è praticamente tutta ricostruita, mentre gli scavi archeologici hanno riportato alla luce solo fondamenta, almeno per ora. Insomma, di siti di questo tipo in giro per l'Europa ce ne sono molti. Interessanti, ma con scarsa atmosfera. E, problema non da poco, attenti a quel che dicono le guide: "prendete un taxi per salire. Dalla moschea Tombul costa 5 euro". No: costa molto meno (3,90 leva, cioè meno di 2 euro, nel nostro caso), ma... al ritorno come si fa a scendere? Un posteggio di taxi non c'è. Abbiamo dovuto farci due pericolosi (non ci sono marciapiedi) chilometri a piedi prima di intercettarne uno...
Se siete andati a riposarvi sulle bellissime spiagge vicino a Varna potete dedicare mezza giornata alla visita di Shumen ed alla visita della sua Fortezza e della Moschea Tombul.La Fortezza risale alla prima età del ferro fu ampliata poi dai Traci ed i romani vi aggiunsero poi altre torri. IB izzantini poi ne fecero un'importante guarnigione militare. Dopo aver "respirato" aria di guerra scendete nella città e dirigetevi alla Moschea di Tombul (è ubicata nel centro ed è facile il parcheggio). Questa moschea costruita da Halili Pasha nel 1774, è la pi grande in funzione nella Bulgaria. Potete poi rinfrescarvi alla fontana del cortile, che una leggenda dice vi sgorghi acqua sacra.