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Thanks again to those who post on TripAdvisor because that is how I found out about this place. I confirm all the other positive reviews. The man taking the small admission fee was very helpful. They have very informative pamphlets in several languages for free that explain the famous alter as well as others and the church itself. Tip: best visited on a sunny mid-late morning when natural light is beaming through the stain glass windows aiding in better photos taken without the forbidden flash.
if you like small, intimate Baroque spaces and the freedom to take photos, this is for you! There are some great examples of the work of the master woodcarver, Riemenschneider, on display.
A small rural church with the requisite old cemetery and small courtyard and the most beautiful carven altarpiece I have ever seen. The 500 year old altarpiece is almost 30 feet tall and is exquisitely detailed. You can walk right up to it. There is a fee of Euro 2 and we were able to take pictures inside the church.
Went to the church to see a gorgeously carved Tilmann Riemenschneider altarpiece and found 3 more beautiful altarpieces on display, as well. Then, a couple miles down the road was the wonderful walled city of Creglingen.
It is a small rustic church.The Mary's altar stands in the middle of the aisle of the Church of God of Creglingen and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is one of the most famous works by Tilman Riemenschneider.Shot of the interior of the church is not allowed.Admission fee was € 2.
We were driving from Frankfurt to Munich, and made the slight detour to see this church. We are so glad we did! We stepped from a charming church courtyard, complete with ancient carved tombstones, into the church's dim exterior. It's freezing cold in there, but the second our eyes caught sight of the altarpiece, we were unaware of such mundane considerations as temperature. The altar is just stunning. I stood there with dropped jaw for a long time before I could move. They did let me take photos as long as I disabled the camera's flash, and there was enough light to get a pretty decent picture (see attached). The rest of the church has some interesting artwork, and an interesting story of its founding, but clearly the main claim to fame is the altar. Gorgeous, inspired carving, whether of a disciple's face, billowing folds of a robe, or intricate patterned framework. If you can get there, go!
If you're reading this, then you know about the Altarpiece of the Virgin Mary carved by Tilman Reimenschneider. It's absolutely stunning. However, for the price, and the no picture policy...a bit disappointed. And the outside of the church is very ho-hum as well.
When we visited the church it was under restauration, but the altar could be seen. The renovation will be completed december 2010. Also the old graveyard next to the church was partly under renovation. So next year we will visit again. Not only the interior, but as well the exterior is great. Free parkinglot available. The Lord’s church with Tilman Riemenschneider’s altar of Virgin Mary. The chapel was built in the period 1384 to 1389. It was once a very important church of pilgrimage. Today, it houses four altars, one of which is the altar of Virgin Mary, an internationally famous work by Tilman Riemenschneider, the best known wood sculptor of the late middle ages. This nowadays very famous work of art was created between 1505 and 1510.
Anno 1384 soll ein Bauer beim Beackern eine Hostie gefunden haben. Über der Fundstelle errichteten die Herren zu Hohenlohe die Herrgottskirche. Diese erlangte Weltruhm durch Tilmann Riemenschneider und seinen Marienalter. Der Hochaltar stammt ebenfalls aus dem späten 15. Jhdt. In der Predella u.a. die farbig gefasste Büste des Apostels Andreas. Der südliche, rechte Seitenaltar zeigt fünf Heiligenfiguren. Im Altafuß eine Schnitzgruppe, die das letzte Abendmahl darstellt. Der nördliche Seitenaltar fält durch seine filigrane, kleinfigürliche Ausführung auf. Der unbekannte Künstler setzte die Jungfräulichkeit Mariens in Szene.Die Stadt ist ländlich geprägt. Sehenswert hier der Lindleinturm. Ein bürgerliches Wohnhaus, das auf die ehemalige Stadtmauer aufgesetzt wurde.
Una iglesia barroca de fines del 1300, visitada por muchos peregrinos en épocas pasadas. Se aprecia un importantísimo y bello altar todo de madera tallada por un famoso ebanista. Es para estar sólo un rato.
Per accedere alla visita dell'altare di Maria abbiamo pagato € 4,50 per l'intera famiglia composta da 2 adulti e due bambini. Ci è stata fornito un pieghevole in italiano con la descrizione dei vari pezzi che lo compongono.
Wallfahrtskirche aus dem Spaetmittelalter die ein außerordentliches Kunstwerk besitzt. In den Jahren 1502-1505 schuf Tilman Riemenschneider den Marienaltar. In der Mitte des Werkes Maria die von den Engeln zum Himmel getragen wird. Neben diesem Meisterwerk der Holzschnitzkunstsind noch zwei Seitenaltaere von 1460 und der Hochaltar um 1510 sehenswert. Bei meinem Besuch war fotografieren ( ohne Blitzlicht ) geduldet.
Vom 15. August bis Ende August ist das "Lichtwunder" am Marienaltar zu bewundern: Von 17 Uhr beginnend trifft das Licht der Rosette im Westgiebel auf den Marienaltar und wandert bis 18 Uhr von links unten langsam nach rechts oben bis Maria voll von der Sonne erfasst wird.Der Marienaltar ist von Riemenschneider ungemein plastisch geschnitzt. Er wirkt durch fehlende Farben bzw. Lackierung sehr natürlich und beeindruckt durch ausdrucksstarke Figuren. Ein wirkliches Meisterwerk mittelalterlicher Schnitzkunst!
Mi hermana Ruth descubrió que en Creglingen existía otra obra de Riemenschneider y allá fuimos desde Rothenburg.-Caminamos hasta llegar a una pequeña iglesia y no esperabamos ver y asombrarnos de la enorme belleza del altar principal que es una maravilla.-Es de madera sin policromar y se encuentra en excelente estado de conservación pues fué ocultado por un muro durante 300 años.-Las figuras son bellamente esculpidas y los rostros son de un realismo asombroso.-Indudablemente es la obra cumbre de este artista que lo labró en 1505.-Lo visitamos en septiembre del año 2002 durante un viaje que hicimos por la Ruta Romántica.-Fernando Cruz Paredes, México.D.F