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如果你在那附近的话,可以考虑去蒙特堡玩一玩。这里的乡村很纯朴,松树林和田野一直延伸到你看不见的地方。在山顶上,你可以看出去几公里远。6月我们去的时候,那里开满了小黄花灯笼海棠。缓慢在森林里散步的那种感觉真是太棒了。这是一个很迷人和精致的城堡。这个城堡从来就不是用来做什么实际用途的,里面到处充满了帝王们的奢侈。城堡是八边形的,去的时候可以在里面好好的探险一番。你可以走到楼上的自动旋转楼梯来观察这个八边形城堡的全貌。这个城堡有很悠久的历史,修复的历史资料也用好多语言展示出来的,包括英语。这个城堡每天从9点开到下午6点,票价30元,18岁到25岁是15元。我们没有住在特拉尼,而且又没车,我们住在帕蔻,当地的一个出租车司机说送我们去,让我们玩一小时再送我们回去,600元。但是最后我们还是决定乘公共交通。先是从特拉尼坐车去安德里亚,9元钱,在停车场下车后,去statzione乘6号巴士,直接在蒙特堡下车就好了,statzione是一种当地列车,从巴尔莱塔-安德里亚开往鲁沃迪普利亚,6号巴士在statzione车站的发车时间是8.15, 8.40, 10.15, 11.45, 13.40, 15.35, 17.10,statzione站对面有一个黄色巴士的停车站,不要担心,6号巴士回程的时候就在那里停车。这个巴士会送到城堡的停车场,你可以在那里坐上回程的巴士,发车时间是9.20, 10.50, 12.20, 14.00, 16.10, 17.40, 19.30。这个时间表一直到09年10月31号都有效。记住在上车之前买票,巴士上是不卖票的,你可以在任何一个售票点买到,单程4元5角。去特拉尼的巴士就在车站的一个小商店旁边。
Very unusual architectural structure in a very lonely place. Definitely worth a visit if you are in this part of Italy.
I especially when there to check this UNESCO heritage but was really disappointed.This castle has nothing inside as described earlier by other reviewers. They displayed other contemporary artifact, sculptures that were totally unrelated to the site.Only ground level and second level can be visited and all the rooms look identical.This only thing that impressed me was the geometric of the castle and its uniqueness.Entrance fee to high (10 Euros) and not worth the value.
It would appear this location is held in high regard, being a "World Heritage Centre" but it left us feeling unimpressed. It appears to have been re-built and sanitized quite recently, leaving it with little atmosphere or character. For those of us not deeply versed in southern European history' it had no cachet. There was a display of 'modern' abstract sculptures inside the building. These either suit your taste or not but they certainly detracted from any impression of this being an ancient building.
The castle both from without and within is scenically beautiful, and a nice stop for educational and picture purposes. That said, the castle is practically empty, explanatory information somewhat sparse, and there's simply not a lot going on here. If one can combine a castle visit with a stay and activities likely offered by nearby B&Bs and agriturismos, this would probably make for a better overall attraction.
Situated in very different vegetation to the rest of Puglia , which seems to be a sea of olives! Here the trees that surround the park and Castle are tall Pines.. A quiet and unspoilt area, the Castle suddenly looms up in the midst of all this, perched on a hill. As others have commentated an Octagonal building - totally empty but on our visit there was an interesting sculpture display in the rooms. Views from the surrounding terrace are fabulous. It can be seen easily in an hour, but feel sure this whole area would be great for walks, cycle rides etc if wishing to stay longer.
The first glimpse of this medieval castle on the hillside is amazing. You pay for parking your car at the bottom of the hill and then take the free shuttle bus. Built by Federico ll it is part of the world heritage and is very unusual in shape as it is octagonal. There are two floors but unfortunately the top one was closed. There are 360° views from the castle and on a clear day you can see for miles. The castle itself is empty so would suggest a guide to tell you all about the history. The castle is shown on the reverse of the 1 cent coin. We did think 10 euro pp entrance fee was a bit much.
This castle is the one represented on the Italian 1eurocent coin! It is a unique monument built in a wild, wide land, visible many kilometers before your arrival. Its shape, the way the visitor can go from a room to another inside, the game of lights, its windows and its magnificent colors contribute to the mistery and charm of this castle.
We got there before opening time as you have to park at the bottom of the hill and take a shuttle coach up. (we did walk down - it only took 15-20 minutes and was very enjoyable). By the time we had walked around the outside of the castle, (this is worthwhile as the view is magnificent, but there is more direct route just before you pass the toilets) there were only a few minutes to wait to opening time and we got around the castle before the mass hoards started to arrive. The stairs are narrow but are clearly marked as one way up and one way down. The castle is empty but full of atmosphere and interesting architectural remains
Well worth it, but out of season. This is a major attraction and gets a lot of visitors. It is a lovely space, with great views, but not too many reasons to hang around... So it felt like a bit of a long trek for a short visit. If you are in Trani, then it is close by.
This place is a delight to visit, mainly because it is so easy to visit.You drive down the road towards the place and, at a certain point, someone tells you which parking lot to use. There the attendant helps you park your car and you pay €5 no matter how many passengers. Then you have the choice of either walking up the hill to the "castle" or taking (free) a shuttle bus for the fifteen minute ride up to it. The site is free and well tended. It's on a his which has a breathtaking view of the flat Puglian surroundings.The reason to visit Castle del Monte is that it is a mystery. If you Google the name you'll find out why. Frederick the Second (a dominant figure) in all Puglia had it built, but no-one really knows what it was for.There is a little café on top of the hill for a snack and some souvenir places, too. When you're finished, the frequent bus service takes you back down to the parking lot.This is an easy trip for young and old alike. Don't expect to find many English speakers, however. Puglia is still a rather Italian area of Italy.
Make sure that you get a tour with one of the talented guides, who will explain the intriguing history of this castle, as otherwise all you see is just an empty castle. But once you start hearing the facts and hypothesis about this building, you will be truly intrigued
For those travelling along the eastern (Adriatic) coast of Italy, it is well worth a stop to visit Castel de Monte (exit A14 motorway at Andria-Barletta).The castle has eight towers which form a unique octoganonal shape and is located on top of a hill, that gives you 360 degrees of panoramic views of all the surrounding area, as far as you can see. The castle was built by Emporer Frederick II around 1240 and both the interior and exterior architecture are very unusual and interesting, as is the history of the castle.
We have seen articles about this place for dome time and was very curios about the place. A mystery story and background and it looked amazing as well all that was fulfilled, very nice, some sort of blend between the Arab world and the Western. Vary nice building, interesting, nice spot st stop at.