colline di torino
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We were lucky enough to have an amazing sunny day, unfortunatelly it was the 4th May and there was a massive pilgrimage at the Superga Basilica, it was packed. A part from that-wrong choice of dates- I'd absolutelly reccomand to everyone in Torino to visit the hills, or at least to manage somehow to do a stop there. I really think Torino is an amazing city and I feel sorry that the country is not able to show it as it deserves to be shown- in all of its beauty- because of bad/old street system.
All the hills around Torino are a wonderful surprise especially in a sunny day with blue sky.Take your car and drive up to Superga ,a huge church that can be seen from the city centre .The road is winding and steep and in the church parking you can spend time looking at the wonderful mountain range ,the Alps that are all around the city.From there continue to the Panoramica,the so called road among the forest that takes you to the nice village of Pino Torinese where you can have the best coffee and sweets made by Pasticceria Zappegno in the village centre.Continue to Colle della Maddalena and again in a beautiful park called Parco della Rimembranza you will see Superga on the other hill at your right and another part of Torino at your feet.So interesting!
There is a tram from the city in case you don't have a car. Beautiful spot and nice views to spend a Sunday morning.
Enjoyed the ancient train which costed 6 euro per person. Once at the top you can enter and visit the Basilica for free but it's 4 euros to go up to see the full scene of Torino beneath you and River Po.
On top of many hidden countryside streets allowing pleasant views and non-disturbing getting lost, there is a panoramic route reminding of uptown Vienna or even the Blue Ridge in the United States and linking Pino Torinese to Superga on the equally hidden east side of Turin. Especially worth a ride or a picnic on a mild Fall day.
Turin is widely surrounded by hills. These hide beautiful and iconic villas and palaces witnessing the presence of the Royals in the past and of the quiet high class of the city. Wonderful views on the mountains backing the other side of Turin.
The hills are very close to the city still let you feel like you are in the heart of the countryside. Definetely worth a visit if you want to take a break form cultural visits downtown or simply to enjoy the astounding view, especially at night in winter time with a full moon.
La collina torinese è molto suggestiva incastonata da belle ville e anche da numerosi ristoranti esclusivi!! Bello cavoretto , il colle della maddalena superga , villa genero
La bellezza delle colline torinesi, purtroppo la conoscono solo I locali.... fossero in Francia sarebbero piene di turisti. I dolci pendii possiedono bellezze naturali, culturali ed eno gastronomiche di primissimo livello e permettono al turista di scoprire passeggiate paesini e panorami da guida Michelin.
Attention. Nous avions "cliqué" sur les indications géographiques de Tripadvisor pour nous rendre sur la colline via google maps, et notamment y découvrir la basilique Superga comme le suggérait les commentaires.En fait, cela emmène à l'opposé sur la colline, arrivés au point indiqué, on est à.... 2h30 de la Basilique !
Sono di Torino e ancora adesso dopo 46 anni riesco ancora a meravigliarmi nello scoprire nuovi percorsi , edifici , parchi , scorci naturalistici , pur girandola in lungo ed in largo in tutto questo vivere. Segreti e curiosita' in ogni dove , luogo unico !
Se volete vedere Torino dall'alto, approfittate di quest'attrazione completamente gratuita e andate in un qualsiasi parco in collina (Parco Europa, Superga....) per vedere Torino dall'alto.Scegliete una giornata limpida e godetevi il panorama, non ve ne pentirete!
Fin da piccolo affezionato alla parte di Superga e della strada panoramica Pino-Superga.In bici, a piedi o in auto e' un piacere percorrerla, con tappa obbligata alla basilica. E' sempre gradito nel periodo estivo un viaggio in "Dentera".
a 5 minuti dal centro di Torino, si sale da più punti e si entra subito nel verde! diversi luoghi di pic nic, ben tenuti, percorsi naturalistici, davvero bello e da provare anche nelle calde estati cittadine. ideale per pic nic! per info consiglio:
Come Langhe e Roero, dovrebbero diventare "Patrimonio dell'Umanità". Piene di Locali caratteristici e monumenti, quali il Monte dei Cappuccini, con il Museo della Montagna e la Basilica di Superga, cui si può salire col la "Dentera", no sono solo a disposizione dei residenti!