rozmberk castle
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The castle at Rozmberk is one of the many nice castles to visit in this area. It has some interesting rooms and a nice view over the river.
Hardly any castle can be measured with this Gothic masterpiece which its position and ancient character forms the most prominent feature of the town - by the same name. After a sharp climbing up stop and look around you on a beautiful view of Šumava forest, Vltava river with canoeists and common "village traffic". Then cross the bridge and be absorbed by the mysterious atmosphere of the 13th century. Enter the castle and ascend the magnificent wooden staircase, decorated by sculptures. You will be amazed by the historical furniture in the whole castle made of dark wood combinated with warm coloured upholstery and complements. What impressed me the most was the bedroom with huge window forwarded in front of the castle wall, situated to the valley with forests and the whole town. Oddly angled sun rays that penetrate the ancient undulating glass decorated by mosaic, gives this place the truthful seal of an ancient place which might tell stories...
If you are visiting Cesky Krumlov, as so many people do, make plans to stop by the Rozmberk Castle. It is like a gem, crowning a steep hill above the Vltava river.There is a lot of history here as you would expect and it helps to educate yourself before you go. We visited the area and stayed overnight some years back, this time we were just passing through.Even if you don't have time for the tour of the castle, the scenic hills of the Sumava forrest and the views of the Vltava river will be worthwhile.
Great location and a wonderful causeway on the bank of Vltvava river to Cesky Krumlov. Only a paper mill and the dissapointing ruins of socialist waste processing factories marred the spectacle.
I don't like visiting castles very much but this castle I enjoyed. I really liked the interior - beautiful staircase, cosy rooms with low ceiling, pictures, decorations, etc. The guide told us some interesting facts about the history and some legends and we also enjoyed the view from the tower. You can buy there some amazing souvenirs as well.
I advice to all lovers of historic art. You can learn here more about famous South Bohemian persons.
Not to be missed if you are in the area! The castle was almost deserted as it was still early June, with only 5 people on the tour (Ok, it was in Czech and we understood nothing, but the rooms, decorations and furnishings are wonderful to appreciate without the usual hordes of fellow tourists). Amusing that you pay for parking in the town as the sleepy fellow who took our money was almost the only one around the deserted streets. Just a laid back village!
In my opinion, this is one of the best days out in the southern Czech Republic. The castle is interesting, the setting beautiful and, perhaps just as importantly, both are unspoilt; there are no tacky souvenir stalls or tour bus crowds to mar your visit.Rozmberk is not a medieval fortress with battlements and turrets etc; it started life this way but was rebuilt as a Renaissance mansion by the powerful Rozmberk family, who took their name from the castle, in the 1500s. The 19th century owners thought it didn't fit Romantic ideas of what a proper castle should be so they made some neo-Gothic additions to the west tower and extensively redecorated the interior with suits of armour etc. The result is a small but fascinating castle that can be viewed via two separate guided tours - check out the English language website at for opening times, as these vary throughout the year. Tours are in Czech only but the guides provide English information sheets which give all the necessary details. One tour takes you round the first floor and explains the history of the castle. Highlights are the Rozmberk Hall, with its portraits of 16th century lords and ladies, and the so-called Knights' Hall, a beautifully preserved Renaissance banqueting hall. The other, shorter, tour takes in the family rooms on the second floor, all furnished as they were in the 19th century. You can do both for 170 CZK (about £6) per person.If history is not your thing, Rozmberk still makes a great day trip as village and castle are located amongst the scenic hills of the Sumava (Bohemian Forest). If you are coming by train, do be warned that the station of the same name is a 40-minute walk from Rozmberk, but the walk is a gentle stroll along the wooded valley of the river Vltava and, for me, was part of the attraction. Also: consider bringing a packed lunch as there is very little in the village and, at the weekend, everything will be closed.
We took part in the guidetour (entrance fee), which was great! Must say: taking pix in its interior is prohibited. Parkinglot at a cost (take the whole day, costs only 10 CZK more than 2 hours!). Built post first half 13th century, named after the five petal rose in founder Vok z Prčice’s coat-of-arms. 1420 Ulrich II von Rosenberg was forced to pawn the castle to the Lords of Walsee (Austria) to finance the army against the Hussites. It was later paid off but 1465 pawned again to Lobkovic family, and paid off again. 1522, with exception of the free standing defence tower Jakobínka, the Upper Castle burnt down completely. An extensive reconstruction in 1556 had decorated the facades of the Lower Castle in the Renaissance style. 1600 Jan Zrinský of Seryn gave it to nephew of Peter Wok von Rosenberg, who owned it till his death in 1612 . Gothic changed into a Renaissance style residence. Then inherited by Švamberks, Rosenbergs relatives. They lost the castle very soon: all their estates were confiscated after the battle of Bílá Hora and were given to imperial army commander Karel Bonaventura Buquoy. They kept it until 1945: post-war confiscation taken and nationalised. There is the White Lady, who appeares in the castle. One of the oldest castles in South Bohemia. Lower castle: two-floor building of irregular character with a closed oblong shaped courtyard. South side: the original palace. North side: long Crusaders' gallery. Eastern entrance side: transversal wing with needle tower ending with Neo-Gothic crenellation, it dominates the whole castle. Inner and outside facades covered with graffito decorations. One can enter the castle from the east side over a bridge with a deep
Around the castle are campings, flows the stream where lots of canoes of rafting can be seen. Building the castle sterted in the first half of the 13th century. The Knight's hall has magnificent frescoes and an elaborate ceiling. There is a weaponshield hall, and sturdy tower. The castle lies 20 km in south direction of the beutifull UNESCO city Cesky Krumlov.
Замок возвышается над тихим и уютным городком. Розмбрек-над-Влтавой не избалован туристами, улицы не многолюдны, посетителей в замке не много. С террасы замка открывается чудесный вид на город и долину реки. Удобно добираться из Чешского Крумлова, кстати дорога тоже очень красивая.
Rondleidingen zijn alleen in Tsjechisch. Je kunt meelopen en dan kan je kiezen tussen een folder (in NL) of een audio-guide (NL-tegen betaling). Advies is om audio-guide te nemen, je krijgt dan veel meer uitleg. De prijs van de audio-guide is de moeite waard. Beide tours door kasteel zijn leuk. Wij zijn niet in de martelkamer geweest omdat wij jonge kinderen mee hadden. Vanuit toren is er een prachtig uitzicht. Het is bijzonder om te zien hoe de adel toen leefde en wat voor een invloed zij had op de lokale bevolking. Leuk opgezette museum.
en effet si vous avez le temps Rozmberk est à 25 km au sud ,la route et le paysage sont sympa bois forée rivière , la visite du château est intéressante ,l' accès en véhicule est malheureusement interdite et l'accès à pied est assez sportive ,cardiaque s'abstenir,sur le petit groupe de 10 ,4 sont restés dans le petit car j'ai mis moyen car rien n'explique l'interdiction de se rendre au porte du château avec le véhicule et que cette visite nécessite de s'eloigner quand même de Prague ceci dans l'hypothèse où vous faites l'excursion dans la journée en passant par cesky krumlov
Живописное и тихое место, с замковой горы открывается очень красивый вид на городок. В сам замок мы не попали потому что приехали рано утром, но зато насладились неспешной прогулкой в окрестностях замка. Если путешествуете по югу Чехии непременно нанесите визит в старый замок.
Hoch über der Moldau thront dieses "Burg-Schloss" der Rosenberger und es lohnt sich der Weg hinauf. Auch wenn keine Einrichtung aus dem 14.Jahrhundert mehr gibt, die Räume des 17.Jahrhunderts (z.B. der Rittersaal mit der Musikniesche) sind sehenswert und eine Führung wird empfohlen.