4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

旧金山有轨电车是一个陷阱!第一,票价是35块钱,以前才10块零5毛钱,而且不能打折。第二,排队的人很多,至少要排20分钟,而且还是在淡季。我们排队等的时候,有个白痴拿着扩音器对着我们的耳朵大声喊,他说如果我们不加入他的宗教的话,我们就会下地狱。第三,这里没有风景。如果我们前面没有那么多人站着的话,这里应该是有风景的,这一度让我感觉很压抑。第四,你会晕车。车突然向前又突然向后,刹车的声音很尖再加上金属轨道燃烧的味道让我们感觉很恶心。我们很讨厌这次经历,虽然买了回程票,但我们是不会坐了,我们是坐轻轨电车回去的,车票是10块零5毛钱,只花了坐有轨电车一半的时间就到了,而且还有很多窗户,可以往外看,这可比坐有轨电车好多了。我不喜欢破坏别人的幻想,而且我也知道其他评论说有轨电车是 多么的好,但相信我,这又是另一个陷阱。不要坐有轨电车,还是坐轻轨电车吧。
很贵……不过,你也得去坐一次。但,老实说,去旧金山旅行,不可能步行到山上的每一个地方……坐公共汽车去。票价是大约11块钱。或者买一个3天的通行证,你的选择就更广泛了,可以坐有轨电车或者公共汽车。你可以在市政系统网页里看到一副地图……不要买交通地图。BART车站有免费的地图。如果你想去旅游区,乘坐有轨电车是很可靠的。不过去Van Ness Street西部的任何地方,你都需要坐公共汽车或者是有轨电车。如果这两个你都错过了,你可以坐快速公共汽车或者再等一会儿。坐车很有趣,司机的技术很不错,事实上你可以闻到你下面金属摩擦的味道。不过下山的时候要扶好!
It is very interesting to drive with cable car. Nice streets, nice experience. However, the queue at Fisherman's Warf is extremely long (waiting around 60mins)!
My teenage daughter and I loved this. We took the very first ride of the day. We took the whole trip down to Alcatraz Being the first car there was only 2 couples. Our brake man was amazing , we had a great talk with him. At the end of the ride he took our camera and had us pose for many different pictures at different parts on the cable car. What an amazing experience
Your as likely to get a ride on a cable car as you are to win the lotto. What a waste of time and money . A 3 day pass resulted in 2 rides and a 30 minute ride for those. Staff uncommunicative and put out by tourists!!!!Save your money and walk down he hill and get a cab back up, cab drivers were great for local tips.
I just loved this. To me it was a piece of art. SF is everything that I had seen in movies...including the hilly roads.I hope they will keep this piece of history and art for all people to enjoy
You can't visit San Francisco and not ride the cable cars. They're a journey back to the past and great fun. The views are great, a few thrills as you descend the steep hills, and usually some added fun from the driver and brakeman/conductor. I rode both the Powell/Hyde line and the California line, the latter usually less crowded. Worth the wait when there are queues. Also worth buying a Muni day pass to make it cheaper if you ride more than once or twice.
The cable cars are fun to ride, however they can be a tad crazy. Try riding the California line or the Mason line as they're not quite as frantic as the Powell line. But then again, the craziness of standing, holding on for fear of getting bumped as the car passes other cars and road markers, is half the fun. Never fails to entertain and educate. Even if you only ride once, I think it's worth it.
The cost of a taxi in the City will be very expensive and when driving your own vehicle around you find you spend far to much of your time looking for parking. And when you do finally find that spot, it will usually be many blocks from where you want to visit. We like to find "day parking" near the wharf, and then venture out by way of Cable Car!The "all day" pass was around $18 a person, but well worth it, as you can get on and off those cars as often as you want.The Cable Car will drop you off a block above China Town, an easy walk to some great food and shopping.
When visiting San Francisco, the Cabke Cars are a must. Nice way to experience the massive hills of the city without feeling like a mountain climber. If staying in the city for a few days, buy a 3 or 7 day pass. It will be cheaper than parking your car and a lot easier than driving. The passes are also good for the busses and trolleys.
Love going on these, I went on at least one on a daily basis on my last trip. Great to view the streets of San Francisco en route to Fisherman’s Wharf and back to Union Square. They do get busy and if travelling after dark, I would suggest you wrap up as it gets a bit cold but the experience is well worth it. It does cost more than your average MUNI bus however if you are there several days, I would suggest getting a MUNI Passport for a set fee available from specific Kiosks.