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国旧金山 亚洲美术博物馆,在旧金山市中心,紧邻旧金山市政厅,早上去人很少,说美术馆,有画作也有其他艺术品,还有一些石头和木头的雕刻品,居然还有竹子编的篓子,好吧这个在老美这也算艺术品,需要存包,不能照相,画作我们看不太懂,担心免费停车超时,走马观花匆匆看了就出来了,后来才知道只看了一小部分,有点小遗憾,建议时间充裕多游览一下。
美国西海岸最好的亚洲艺术馆。门票12 美元,在周四的晚上只要五美元,每个月的第一个周日免费。展馆分为三层,第三层是常设展览, 1 2 层有特展。收藏很有代表性,可以一站式了解从东亚到南亚西亚的文明代表
市政厅对面是亚洲美术博物馆,其中中国的展品占了很大一部分。我在网上买了Go City Card, 自选景点,包括了三个博物馆。
这座博物馆太令人惊奇了!我们去是因为City Pass书上有免费的门票,老实说,我们以后每次回旧金山的时候都会来参观。博物馆把亚洲各个地区的宗教和艺术风格完美的结合在了一起,有些史前古器物非常壮观。你会看到一些看起来很现代的物品,但其实它们已经有几千年历史了。此外,我们是在咖啡馆吃的午餐,我吃的是中国菜,非常好吃,卖相也很好。一定要尝尝这里的茶。总的来说,我们这次来参观博物馆是一次很特别的经历,很值得。
这家博物馆开业半年以后,我决定去看看。很多人对它赞誉有加,可我不知道它到底如何。我没去过金门公园的老博物馆,所以心里没底,但我知道Avery Brundage有很多展品在那儿展出。这栋意式建筑最近刚刚翻新过,很漂亮,这点很多人都提到过,还把巴黎火车站建到了奥赛美术馆,非常诡异,但我觉得没啥特别的。刚进门就会看见个扶梯,就像平常那样从上至下参观。楼里有很多玻璃窗,但景观还是不咋地,比如顶楼的扶梯,一个主要的参观点放上了展品,因此只能看到低低的楼顶和空调!总体来说,博物馆的主题主要是佛教的故事啦,佛教起源于印度,然后东传至中国和日本,非常有意思,可惜的是在中国和日本的早期佛教艺术之后的东西寥寥无几。显然博物馆的负责人Brundage先生关注的是早期的文明,像韩国和东南亚的东西少之又少。让我诧异的是,最有意思的让人感觉很亲切的艺术品是来自中国和韩国,但更多的东西还是中国青铜马、佛像、印度雕塑和一些更古老的东西。这里很适合来消磨半天,还可以花一个小时逛逛礼品店,里面东西超多,但是非常贵。博物馆的餐厅很不错,以亚洲食物为主。
As expected, superb collection. We were one of the first to benefit from the $5 admission on Thursday night. The reduced admission made our visit one of the very few bargains to be had in SF.
The museum is an absolute gem, and a must visit if you are interested in Asian history. The collection is expansive, and focuses on all regions in Asia. I am from India, and I learnt quite a bit about the spread of Buddhism from India to the rest of Asia! I visited the museum when the exhibition on Saudi Arabia was on, and found it very informative. The museum has a free guided tour schedule, and I highly recommend taking a tour. The guides focus on important exhibits, and provide a lot of context. I also enjoyed browsing through the museum store - they have some interesting souvenirs!
This museum has a huge collection of artefacts generated by the main cultures of Asia, with particularly fine displays of art from India, China and Japan. It's well organised and there is plenty of contextual information as you walk through the galleries. There aren't many museums in the USA and Europe devoted to this area.Obviously your enjoyment will depend on your individual tastes. I didn't like a lot of the art, although I felt I learned a lot from the experience.It's quite expensive to get in - $15 when I visited - and the surrounding area is surprisingly menacing for the centre of a major city, even in the early afternoon!
We went to the Asian Art Museum on a Free day (Target first Sundays) and had a great time. It was not over-crowded so we were able to take our time viewing the many beautiful Asian objects on display. The signage is very complete and educational. We appreciated the definition of "Asia" because we had never really thought about it before. We attended the free Jade tour and there were many others available during the day. The Museum Shop has wonderful things from books to jewelry to tea sets. Be sure to stop in!
Last year I visited & enjoyed an obscure display of Chi Pai Shi paintings and seals - it was amazing and very well presented. Last month I visited again and enjoyed the huge collection of pottery from Japan, Taiwan and China. Always a destination for me in San Francisco.
One of my favorite museums in the world. Perhaps it is because I have traveled fairly extensively to the countries represented within its walls, but for me it represents the Asian art universe extremely well and I just love visiting it. A good mix of paintings, scrolls, tapestries, basketry, costumes, sculptures, furnishings, pottery, etc.. Definitely worth a visit or two.Because I am a Bay Area resident and a member of the Asian, I get there at least 2-3 times a year. Each visit yields a unique experience.