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My friend and I spent a lot of time researching treks in Ecuador and found useful information somewhat hard to come by, hence why I write this review, to put the information out there to other potential trekkers :) We chose Sangay because of it's 'off the beaten track-ness' and weren't disappointed. We took a bus from Banos to Penipe and another bus to Candelaria in one day and arrived in Candelaria in the evening. The walk to Refugio was about 30 minutes from town. Walk to the end of town where a dirt road begins. Follow it down the hill beside the river and then up a hill on the other side. On the left hand side eventually you will see a sign for the refugio. Walk up the driveway for a few minutes past the national park office and at the end of the driveway is the refugio! We knocked on the door of the main house and were greeted by Osvaldo. The price for the refugio is now $12 per night. Bring food to cook or get something in town (only the very basics were available at a couple shops in town and fruit/veggies were minimal, if any at all). We asked Osvaldo to hire us a guide and he got us one by the next day for about $30 per day I think it was. Be aware that Osvaldo is not always around...if he is not, it could be difficult to find a guide. The hike up to the second refugio was extremely muddy. I have done a great deal of hiking and it was one of the most challenging hikes I have done solely because it was deep mud and uphill nearly the entire hike up. I have great leather hiking boots but my friend had rubber boots and they served him well. I heard of others' boots getting sucked into the mud though :) The trail is pretty easy to follow but still there are times when I was thinking I was glad to have a guide leading the way. I would recommend hiring a guide...coming from someone who normally enjoys more do-it-yourself adventure. Our guide's name was Sergio and he was great-checked in about the pace, was very safety conscious and kind. He didn't speak English. It took us about 5.5 hours to get to the second refugio including breaks and with large, heavy packs. Also be aware that if no other trekkers are at the second refugio it will be locked and you won't have anywhere to sleep! So if you decide to go without a guide, talk to Osvaldo to find out if he can give you a key perhaps. The cost to sleep there is also $12. The following day we hikes up amd over the ridge in search of Italian Camp. We never sctually found it but it could still be there! It was very, very windy, cold and rainy/wet snow. We camped under a little overhang beside a cliff to avoid exposure but there are a lot of other places to camp up there if the weather is better.
The major road from Riobamba to Macas is very controversial since it was built right in the middle of the Sangay National Park, but now that it exists you can take profit of it for an easy visit to the Sangay NP. There are reguler public busses on this road, every 1 or 2 hours. Take a a bus to the Lagunas de Atillo, and than walk the next 12 to 15 km towards Macas. The environment is superb. First the lakes, then you climb (slightly) to the pass, and the first 10 km of the descent are really stunning, cloudforest, waterfalls (If you travel by car, please note there is no parking anywhere along this stretch). Well of course it also means clouds and rain. Then you can board another bus to continue to Macas or return to Riobamba. Further towards Macas, there is a lot of colonization along this road.
Take your time and enjoy this very well maintained national park. It is filled with new discoveries and so many things to photograph
For those wh have the oportunity to visit it, this is truly an amazing place the easiest way to visit is if you:trek altarclimb sangayvisit OzogocheVisit Atillo lakesyou can find plenty of info online
I went to Sanjay National Park with the intention of hiking from Candelaria (Hacienda Releche) to the refuge, then up to the crater lake just under the peak of El Altar. It is a two day hike, of which one night is spent in the refuge. When I showed up to Hacienda Releche, it was closed, so no guide was available to take me up the trail to the refuge. Despite this, I was reassured by the National Park office that the trail was straightforward and easy to follow-not so. I hiked for four hours, at which point, the trail ended. I picked up something of a trail, which then split. I realized it was getting dark and needed to make a decision. I ran back the way I came, to avoid having to sleep in the rain under a bush. I asked the family who lives at the trailhead, and whom I ran into on the trail, if I was indeed going the right direction. Even the locals don't know how to get to the refuge. PLEASE do not try to attempt this on your own, without a guide. These trails are merely cow trails that you are following, and are not marked. If you wish to go for a day hike, bring proper hiking boots and gaitors, or buy a pair of rubber boots, as you are walking in deep mud for the first 1-1 1/2 hours. To get to Hacienda Releche, take the bus from Riobamba or Banos (to either location) and get off in the town of Penipe. From there, you can take a taxi to the town of Candelaria (where Hacienda Releche is - $10 one way). Either make arrangements for a pick up by the taxi later (there are no taxis in Candelaria) or you can take one of the buses from the main square in Candelaria (at least a 30 minute walk from the hacienda). Buses leave a few times a day back to Penipe (2PM, 5 or 6PM).
Der NP Sanguay ist zum großen Teil sehr unzugänglich. Eine gute Piste quert ihn jedoch (ab Riobamba) auf der Staatstraße 46 zwischen den Lagunas de Atillo (bzw. L. de Ozogoche) und Macas. Während sie bei den Seen noch hauptsächlich Grasland mit einigen Kartoffelfeldern quert, fällt sie danach steil und kurvenreich durch dichte Nebel- und Bergregenwälder ab zu den Vorgebirgen jenseits des Andenostabfalls. Nur zwei bis drei ärmliche Kleinsiedlungen säumen den Weg, dafür umso mehr Wasserfälle in einer üppigen, tropisch-exotisch anmutenden Vegetation, die vor allem durch einen dichten Bewuchs aus Epiphyten und Moosen auf den Bäumen gekennzeichnet wird. Die wenig befahrene Straße erreicht schließlich das deutlich wärmere Macas, einen nicht sonderlich ansehnlichen Ort, den man am besten nur passieren sollte, bis man schließlich etwa eine Stunde später weiter südlich im deutlich hübscheren Santiago de Mendez landet, von wo man leicht nach Cuenca gelangt. Zu vermerken sei, dass der namengebende Vulkan Sanguay von der 46 aus selbst bei gutem Wetter kaum zu sehen ist – aber es lohnt sich auch ohne seinen Anblick. Die weniger bekannte Rundtour Riobamba – Macas – Cuenca – Chunchi - Riobamba ist also durchaus empfehlenswert, meines Erachtens sogar mehr als der ostwärtige Abstecher über (das recht hässliche) Baños nach Puyo.
Un parque extenso y hermoso. Perfecto para los que gustamos de la aventura al aire libre, mucho que pasear y conocer. Recomiendo ampliamente.
En el ultimo viaje entrando por Riobamba-Cebadas hasta Macas , llegas laguna de Cubjies ; ruta de cascadas las mas hermosas que he visto en mi pais ,estaban escondidas , pero con la nueva carretera es un esplendor 2 horas de ensueño en paisajes llegas a la ciudad de Macas , puede viajar con automovil sedan , o en bus ruta Riobamba Macas
Fácil acceso, control de entrada, paisaje alucinante, bien conservado.