parque nacional nevado tres cruces
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As you proceed down the deserted dirt roads through the park, you cannot believe that there are actually mines and men who work in them located out in this truly "middle of nowhere." Many reminders of the miners rescued in Copiapo. Amazing variety of scenery, from mountains to desert, plus vicunas and flamingos. Lots of amazing pictures. We took a day tour with Carlos of Chillitrip, He picked us up and returned us to the airport and provided a great tour, complete with a picnic lunch at the shelter composed of local foods.
PN Nevado de Tres Cruces is simply stunning. I have been travelling for 30 years and this is one of the most beautiful places in the world. We only had a saloon car and normally do this kind of trip alone but we were nervous about getting lost and had also had been told that a four wheel drive was essential so we decided to use a guide called Carlos. We could have gone in his mini bus, but he said it was possible in our car so we took our car and he did most of the driving and did it without even getting a flat tyre!. Carlos is a really nice, very knowledgeable guy and we had a wonderful day with him, he bought food and water for us too. It took 13 hours and this didnt include laguna del negro francisco, only laguna santa rosa but we stopped about 5 times on the way and we also took a different road back which was very rough and therefore took more time so maybe if u have a 4 wheel drive and make less stops u could include both lakes and do it in one day as a saloon car takes much more time, otherwise on our trip this would have required another half day and therefore an overnight stay at the refuge, but I recommend taking your time so u can appreciate the natural beauty of this area. The scenery and everchanging landscapes are spectacular. and there are some beautiful lush green valleys also to be seen, also u will see flamingos, vicunas, salt flats etc.Guide's details are Carlos Pizarro Figueroa of Chillitrip,, tel. 56 + 9 + 81909019, we highly recommend him. Heulwen& Angelo UK
We (goup of 3 pers.) went first on Sairecabur and then on a 7 day expedition to the N.P. Nevado Tres Cruzes and it really was one of the best experiences in our lives! The landscape was just amazing with a lot of colorful 6000m high mountains and camping at a lagoon with hot springs to bathe in after every hike! The guide Fillipe was top organized, punctual, a sympatic music lover, knowledgeable of the area and a good cook. He spoke also English and French and a little German. In the end we thought that also the prize was very good for the quality we got (800USD per person). So we fully recommend this experience with this agency and guide.
This lagoon is located at aprox. 150 Kms from the Copiapo at a altitude of 3.700 meters high..From september to april we can find flamingos of the 3 kinds that come from the north.You can also find Vicuñas and Guanacos with other animals that live there all year round.This lagoon belongs to Conaf and it's part of the Nevado Tres Cruces National Park.
Also know as the three sisters, this is enroute to Laguna Verde. The Salar de Marcunga, Laugna Santa Rosa and Laguna San Francisco del Negro are located in the park. The Andean Gull is one specie besides the three varieties of Flamingos and a number of other birds are available here. Be well stocked with water and food when you visit. PLEASE VISITI ONLY WITH A 4X4 VEHICLE WITH GOOD GROUND CLEARANCE.
PN Nevado de Tres Cruces might not be the easiest place to get to, but lovers of beautiful/strange landscapes will be so glad they made the effort (and kicking themselves if they forgot their camera!). The first sight of Laguna Santa Rosa and Salar de Maricunga in the distance was magical, and just got better as we approached. Our guide warned us to keep our distance from the edge of the water, and after one or two wet, scrunchy footsteps (still about 10m from the edge), I could see why. There was also no point in trying to get too close - the flamingos were nervy and just moved further into the water. So best to just stand (or sit) and soak in the beauty and tranquility, with the Tres Cruces volcano on the opposite side as a backdrop. Apart from one tourist minibus which pulled up and allowed its passengers ten minutes to gawp before moving off, we had the place to ourselves.Our guide book seemed to imply that you could just hop in your car and drive to Santa Rosa/Maricunga - don't. Even though we had a rental 4x4 pickup, I would have been nervous about the roads (tracks) and was happy to hand the driving over to our fantastic guide Carlos (more later). The route he took over back roads and tracks (completely unsigned) took us through some spectacular desert and mountain scenery - my camera was working hard long before we got to the laguna! The road back was a little more straightforward - possibly even manageable without a guide, but it was worth paying for the spectacular, multicoloured valleys and vistas we wouldn't have seen, and the reassurance of our guide regularly sending GPS locations back to contacts in Copiapo. This is not an area you want to get lost or stranded in - there is no infrastructure, and very few other people. The altitude, dryness, and freezing overnight temperatures could soon lead you into trouble.Our guide for this trip was fantastic, and we'd happily recommend him for anywhere within reach of Copiapo - Carlos Pizarro Figueroa of Chillitrip, em, tel. +56 09(2?) 81909019. Good, reliable guides are hard to come by!He also had the good sense to talk us out of trying to whizz round Laguna Santa Rosa and Laguna del Negro Francisco in one day. With places this beautiful, you need time to soak them in...
It's one of the most beautiful lagoons in the puna de atacama..from September on come the's a peacefull place to stay for one night at 3.700 meters always have to have enough water ,food and warm close for the night..Try to go on a tour like
The scenery in the whole area is just glorious and best of all, there are very few people cluttering it up! There isn't much in the way of tourist infrastructure out there, especially the presence of information signs. One of the few signs that does exist had been blown over by the wind! The refugio at Laguna Santa Rosa is one of the few places with information. Don't forget to take along a small bottle of water and an easily-opened tin of food to leave for the emergency rations (yes, some idiot will probably soon steal it, but you'll have done the right thing). Watch out for el zorrito (the little fox) who might visit you and wish to exchange a photo or two for something to eat (although feeding the native wildlife isn't recommended). Continue along the main access road to the south, if memory serves me, and up to the lookout over the Laguna and across to the three peaks - magnificent on a sunny day!Back on the main road, when you pass by the cascades, look for the grazing guanacos. They're usually there somewhere!Now that the road is being sealed (from the passport and customs control point at Salar Maricunga to the ?frontier?), accessing this area is going to be that little bit easier.
un lugar muy hermoso con una laguna majestuosa y una cordillera espectacular, su flora y su fauna son bellísimos igual y el clima es para sentirse libre
Passei no caminho para o vulcão Ojos del Salado, e tem uma paisagem magnífica, com uma linda lagoa com flamingos.
Melhor do que qualquer foto!!! Para quem gosta de aventura , 4x4 e paisagens surreais é o lugar certo.Nosso plano era passar a noite na Laguna Santa Rosa, mas por estarmos com criança e com o efeito do ar rarefeito, resolvemos seguir viagem, ficando para a próxima.Saímos de Paso San Francisco, vale abastecer após a Germanderia, principalmente para ir até a Laguna Santa Rosa, para usar o refúgio é só enviar por e-mail ao parque , via Conaf.
Facil de acceder desde la ciudad de Copiapó o para aquellos que viajen entre Fiambalá y Chile. Presenta señal full de celulares y rutas en excelente estado. Dentro de la laguna MAricunga pueden observarse explotaciones de sales, domos volcánicos y aves durante el verano. En los valles intermontanos suelen observarse manadas de vicuñas.
Nevado Tres Cruces fica proximo de Copiapo, cerca de 150 km ou cerca de 3hs. A estrada apresenta condições razoaveis e é possivel fazer em veiculo comum, mas informe-se com os carabineros antes de sair de Copiapo. A paisagem é estupenda e fica bem proximo ao ponto mais alto do Chile (Ojos del Salado). Apesar da distancia nao ser grande, prepare-se para o dia inteiro de jornada. A laguna santa rosa é lar de centenas de flamingos de james, uma das mais ameaçadas dos andes. Pode-se chegar bem perto deles e tirar fotos incriveis.
El PN Nevado Tres Cruces es una excursion de 10 a 12 horas, los caminos estan en regular estado, mas no existen servicios en el camino. Los paisajes son maravillosos y la historia tras de ellos es muy interesante y entretenida. Es ideal visitar junto a un local con experiencia en cordillera.Highly recommended, it's a 10-12 hours journey, roads are roughly ok mind you there are no services on the road. Landscapes are amazing and the stories behind are really interesting. Best done with a local guide with mountain experience.
Maravilloso paseo, empezando por el camino, que a medida que va subiendo se pone cada vez mas espectacular. Los colores de los cerros son sorprendentes. Se pueden observar vicuñas, guanacos, flamencos, etc. La vista a los volcanes, es tan fantastica como la del lago Chungará. Lo mejor de todo: el salar de Maricunga con sus diversas tonalidades de colores. Una vez arriba, tómeselo con calma y camine despacio, si no, la altura le puede jugar una mala pasada.