museo charcas (university museum colonial & anthropological)
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I think that the museum has opted for quantity rather than quality. Large glass cabinets line a couple of the rooms and these are full of ceramics, a little difficult to see because of the reflections. It is possible to discover the era and the location of some of these finds but fuller descriptions of fewer articles would improve the visit. There are three mummies on exhibit including a mother and child. Once again it would have been nice to read a description of the circumstances of their finding.
Visited the Anthropology section first. Found the skulls and artists impression of how person may have looked interesting. There's a lot of ceramics displayed in high cabinets which line the walls with descriptions in English and Spanish. The second room contains weapons and a few other things, and third room ha some mummies, skulls and at the end some textiles, masks and other exhibits. I was the only visitor there until the last five minutes so had the place to myself. The contemporary art gallery was ok but nothing special and some of the pieces were not hung straight. Not a museum I'd return to but if you're into ceramics and art, you'd probably rate it higher than me.
At the time of the visit, the Colonial and Ethnographic sections were closed. I and a group of students had asked for a guide, in Spanish, who rushed us through the rooms because she obviously had better things to do than her job. I ended up dumping her to go back and read the panels (Spanish and English), which were much more informative. The gallery of contemporary art downstairs is uneven.
Contrary to our guidebook, I preferred the contemporary art in this particular museum, although the highlight was still the 17th (18th?) century painting of Cerro Rico and Potosi. A variety of mummies and lots of excavated pottery. Too bad I'm not an anthropologist.
Found this place accidentally--and even then, I had to go back there twice to find out when it was open. When I finally got there though at the right time, I was very pleasantly surprised. There was a lot of interesting art work and artifacts, and I was surprised that it wasn't more crowded. But I felt that this gave me a greater appreciation of the region than any other activity in Sucre.
This is in fact 3 sites in one: museo colonial charcas, museo antropologico and galeria arte contemporaneo. When I visited they were refurbishing the Museo Charcas. However, the entrance fee (20bs.) which gets you into all 3 sites is still a bargain. This is the first museum that I have visited in South America, and I have been to quite a few, where someone has actually thought about the presentation. The artefacts are ordered in a good chronological order with various themes (pottery, weapons, textiles, costumes, etc. rather than being thrown together in some random mish mash that doesn´t make sense and have descriptions in both Spanish and English. The art gallery is equally well ordered from colonial portraits through to modern art and contains some interesting pieces. Finally a museum worth visiting.
There are some interesting things in the museum, including some mummies and deformed skulls. There is also a nice collection of colonial and modern paintings. Unfortunately, these paintings are in desperate need of restoration. The archaeology section is definitely dated and is kept like a museum from the 19th century. It has quite boring displays in many of the wooden cabinets. A facelift would do it the world of good.I did feel that my 20BOB was helping a good cause and I hope that the museum is able to preserve what they have.
No es un museo increíble y podría estar mejor conservado, pero guarda algunas cosas muy interesantes e importantes. Antes que nada, aprovechen a pedir las visitas guiadas, dada la poca gente que lo visita van a tener una guía para ustedes solos! El museo destaca por su coleccción de arqueología y antropología, así como por el ala de pinturas (con una gran galería de pinturas presidenciales y la gema de la pintura del cerro potosí).
Este museu está divido em 3 partes. A primeira parte antropológica que é muito interessante e vale muito a pena pedir a visita guiada, e o melhor, pode tirar fotos, coisas que muitos museos cobram para levar camera. É recomendado ser o último atrativo de sucre pois reúne as informações vistas nos outros museus. As outras partes naum me lembro pois visitei muitos lá.
O museu se divide em 3 partes.A parte antropológica que é muito interessante e vale a pena pedir a visita guiada, e o melhor, pode tirar fotos.É recomendado ser o último atrativo de sucre pois reúne as informações vistas nos outros museus.Tem mais 2 partes mas não estou lembrando.
Amplia muestra de arqueología con muchas piezas. En la parte de abajo hay pinturas, y recomiendo que tomen su tiempo para escuchar la explicación sobre el cuadro de la ciudad de Potosí. BONITO CUADRO.
Adorei o lugar e as peças expostas! Ótimo lugar para conhecer mais sobre a cultura. Parada obrigatória para conhecer mais sobre a cultura local.
Excelente museu com ótimo acervo. Sucre é uma cidade histórica e capaz de enriquecer seus visitantes com a história do país desde o tempo pré-colombiano.
Cuando concurrimos a comienzos de enero de 2014 el museo se encontraba parcialmente en remodelación y atendía en horario corrido. En ese momento no estaba accesible la muestra de arte colonial, si la de arte contemporáneo y la arqueológica. Como fuimos para ver esta última no nos sentimos defraudados. La parte de arqueología está en la parte superior del edificio. La muestra cuenta con una sala de cerámica, que cronológicamente va desde el formativo a la cultura inca, una sala de lítico y metales, una sala en la que se reproducen distinto sitios arqueológicos de la zona con pintura rupestre y petroglifos, muchos aún en proceso de investigación. Culmina con una sala de etnografía.El museo de arte contemporáneo exhibe una colección de pintura moderna y contemporánea de artistas bolivianos y latinoamericanos, y la muestra culmina con la Sala de Presidentes. Debido a lo reducido del horario, esta parte no pudimos recorrerla con el detalle que nos hubiera gustado y merecía la calidad de la obra expuesta.El ingreso al museo es 20 Bolivianos, en el área de arqueología se permite el uso de la cámara fotográfica y en el de arte contemporáneo no. Además en la entrada se pueden adquirir souvenirs del museo.
O museu tem 2 exposições(pelo menos quando fui). Uma de quadros de pintores bolivianos e outra antropológica. Este é a mais interessante, dá para ver algumas múmias achadas na região, tanto de adultos como crianças. Além de objetos de civilizações passadas e um pouco da sua história.