archbishop makarios iii cultural foundation
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This must be the most complete collection of early Christian Icons in the world. The topics are repetative and you need to be very interested to visIt. We had a guide who explained the central figusre of each item, and something of the person who comissioned it captured in smaller images around the edge. We had seen sufficient before we had viewed more than half. It's a place for the enthusiast.
This is a huge collection of icons some of which have a striking simplicity yet show great depth of feeling. This is particularly true of some of the depictions of the virgin and child. It is a pity that many of the smaller icons are hung too high on the walls so that it is hard to view them. I highly recommend a visit to the Foundation.
Very-very interested.Located in the historical centre of the old town of Nicosia, in the yard of Archbishopic Palace and next to 14th century Saint John Cathedral. There is an entrance fee but surely is worth while to be visited especially for those who love to see Byzantine Orthodox icons dated ages back.In this collection you will see the Kanakaria Mosaics and some other ancient icons that were stolen by antiquities' smugglers from the Turks' occupied area but now return back by the forreign authorities.
Cultural at its highestWhat a background to have - more than amazedWalking around taken your time admire what is offered you to look atInteresting books to buy, as a souvenir
the very best of byzantium; including frescoes from a chapel painstakingly stored at menil. icons and mosaics are nicely displayed, but frequently lack information on provenance.
One of the very few places in the world to view greek orthodox ancient icons and learn about the different painting techniques, mosaics and much more
If you aren't interested in Byzantine art and icons then don't'll be bored.
This museum displays more than 300 stunningly preserved icons from churches all over Cyprus, including the Turkish part.
If you like Christian Art, you'll love this museum and gallery of Greek icons. Upstairs, there is also a display of fine Greek Cypriot art, by top artists like Andreas Narayan (sp.?). Wonderful collection, very well displayed.
A place which has to be's pure history....
Suggestive le due Mercedes,auto,in due teche di vetro nel piazzale Makaryos.L'ambiente porta sempre tanta riflessioni sulla storia e il destino di una popolazione,di luoghi,confini,etnie,dominazioni,eccetera!
Es una gran retrospectiva de los iconos, algunos mosaicos y frescos de iglesias sacados antes de la ocupación turca y muy bien conservados y expuestos.
Avevamo una guida del 2009 della Lonely ed eravamo intenzionati a visitare l'arcivescovado di Nicosia, anche per vedere l'enorme statua dedicata a quello che fu il padre fondatore della repubblica di Cipro con l'indipendenza del 1960. Giunti davanti all'edificio tutto era chiuso e dell'enorme statua nemmeno l'ombra. Al suo posto una bella e più discreto monumento dedicato a Makarios. Abbiamo scoperto solo in seguito che la vecchia statua di bronzo era stata demolita e sostituita con questa di marmo bianco.
L'endroit en soi est déjà très beau. L'exposition est immense. Il y a un très grand nombre d'icônes rassemblées de diverses églises de l'île, superbes. A l'étage il y a toute une exposition consacrée à Makarios et sa vie, intéressante.
Une mine d’icônes de toutes les époques avec pour certaines des aventures rocambolesques dignes d'un roman policier.Réparties dans de nombreuses salles, l' exposition est aérée et prenante. On y trouve forcément son coup de foudre ! Les enfants n' ont pas l' air de s'y ennuyer. Point négatif le prix de l' entrée !