sea life oberhausen
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I visited Sealife yesterday for my Godchild's birthday, combined with Legoland. These combined tickets can be purchased online at a reduced price. Both attractions are located close to each other.Sealife is very nice set up and decorated. In every area there were information boards explaining the life in Sea and about the different animals, plants, ...there was also an opportunity to touch a sea star. Small sharks to see but impressing for the children. Additionally you could go in the outside area of the otters, where they also demonstrate the feeding of the animals. You can even have your pic-nic there.Nice place but not that big, so in one hour you have seen it.
Been here with my girlfriend. The location of the place is very interesting with the mall and cinema near by. Parking place was good. 20 euro per person was a bit high but worth it. It's also for the animals so I can live with that. The park consist of 2 area's, one with attractions and one with the 'sea-zoo'. I like every bit of it. Had a wonderfull day. You could let your hand be "cleaned" by little shrimps, had some very nice Tanks and animals in it. The amusement park was small with a vew attractions but it's yourself who makes the best of it. Had a lot of fun "gold-digging" and "racing" the automated rail cars. The penguins were fun to. I would recommend this place, especially to parents with children.
Hello cheefbadger, we are very sorry that your visit was not what you expected. We appreciate our guests' feedback and try to learn as much as possible from it. Your valuable points of critique concerning the quality of our attraction will be elevated to the responsible manager accordingly. If there is anything you would like to tell us personally, please feel free to contact us at Oberhausen@sealife.deWarm regards, Your LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Team
Hallo Weltenbummlerin389! Danke für deine Bewertung. Wir nehmen Kritik sehr ernst und immer als Ausgangspunkt, um unser Angebot zu verbessern. Wenn du persönlich mit uns in Kontakt treten möchtest, um mit uns über Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten zu sprechen, dann kannst du uns gerne eine Mail an senden.Liebe Grüße, dein SEA LIFE Team
Dear Emmorango,Thanks very much for your feedback concerning the SEA LIFE Center in Oberhausen. We were very disappointed to read that you were unsatisfied with your visit. Due to the high popularity of the center, it can happen that there are quelines lasting 30 minutes or longer during peak hours in the middle of the day, especially on weekends and during the holidays. To avoid waiting times, we advise guests to visit early in the morning right after opening hour around 10 or in the late afternoon between 4:30 and 5 pm.I was rather puzzle about your comment that there is no tunnel - we have a tunnel made of acrylic glass which leads straight under the ocean tank where you can see sharks, the turtle and a lot of other animals.As for the broken stamps, we will replace those as soon as possible. I am sorry that you were disappointed with the Adventure Park. Concerning the restrictions of age and height at the attractions, we are in no way able to influence those or make exceptions, as we are bound by the restrictions the TÜV gives us. If you have any other comments or suggestions, feel free to contact us via Email
Good place for family vacations, my nephews really loved the place! They had a really good chance to explore the sea life! What can I say more, it's a nice aquarium that you would like to visit more than one time!
a good day out. Sealife is beautiful (advise~buy your tickets on internet, its cheaper) We spent a couple of hours and made a surprising discovery. Looking trough the glass of the basins the fishes and so look very small, but when you look over the rail of the glasswall you saw that they were much bigger. Afterwards we had a nice shopping in Center-O and a coffe at Starbucks.But you really got to go to Sealife Oberhausen, its if you are on board in a ship and lokks outside.
This sealife is bigger than I expected since it's in such a small area. The lines are always long. so that isn't fun waiting in long lines in cold weather (since I have went in the winter. it would be nice if they could create a cover from the rain or sun since the lines do get so long. there isn't anything for the kids to do in the long wait. when we go in we can take a picture, which is a geat memory mate. I think it's always a nice time at an aquarium and they have a very diverse amount of sea creatures. Lots of different things to see. they also have a fun play area for the kids at the end, a souvenior shop (that at times has some great deals) and they have a cafe to get food. The play area has seating for the adults as well as a spot to buy coffee. There are fun bouncy and climbers for the kids. Would definitely recommend this for families.
We came from Holland and decider to combine our visit in Centro Oberhausen with Sea Life. Fantastic atmosphere and very nice fish. It is great for families. We look forward to see the penguins.
This acuarium has pretty nice sea animals, I specially loved to see the big turtles and the sharks. The guidance woman on the boat was kind and she explained about the fishes in the acuarium. It was a worth visit, although i should say, before entering the place it is so pretty cold outside, and while waiting like 1.30 min, a man dressed like a pirate was offering hot tea for free to the visitors. And at the end of the visit, inside the acuarium there is a store with many toys for children.
We had to wait for more then half an hour to get in, in very cold, misty, Oberhausen.We followed the parking signs P8 or P9 for Sealife. Don't relay on your TomTom because the address has no parking opportunity. But the most irritant part of that was that you have to walk for about 12 minutes to arrive at the aquarium. So when you arrive at Centro O spot a place on parking 1 or 2. Much closer to the antrance. The aquarium is not equiped for a lot of visitors. Very narrow corridors to watch all the beautiful sea life. The aquarium itself where lovely and very varied. The entrance will cost you € 16,50 and within a hour your are standing outside. For us it was not worth the long waiting combined with the entrance price.
If you go to Centro Park first you will be given a 2 for 1 coupon to Sea Life. Use it! Sea life is a small aqua zoo that can be enjoyed in less than two hours. Visitors are permitted inside in small groups so it doesn't feel crowded, but the exhibits are not as varied as some aqua zoos. A fun diversion for the kids, but not an all day experience.
es fängt schon mit der langen Warteschlange an, die davon zeugt, das im Sog der Besuchermassen des Centros gute Geschäfte zu machen sind. wir wären besser draussen geblieben. Die Aquarien sind gut. Nichts rechtfertigt aber den hohen Preis. Diese Ausstellung ist auf Masse Mensch und Geschwindigkeit getrimmt. Naturerlebnis als Geschäft.
Hallo,waren heute im Sea Life zu Besuch, hatten dummerweise die Karten nicht online bestellt aber ok!Mussten dann 60€ bezahlen für 2 Erwachsene und 1 Kind!!Nach ca. 1 Std. waren wir wieder draußen, na ja, unserm Enkelkind hat es gefallen, aber wir waren enttäuscht, hätten mehr erwartet als nur Fische 99% Fische!!Das hätte man ja noch verkraftet, aber als wir danach von einem anderen Besucher erfahren haben, das er aufgrund seiner ADAC Mitgliedschaft eine Karte umsonst bekommen hat( waren auch zu dritt und er wurde von dem selben Personal darauf hingewiesen und er hat uns die Quittung gezeigt) sind wir nochmal zurück um das aufzuklären, da wir auch beim ADAC Mitglied sind, sagte man uns, dass sie nicht dazu verpflichtet sind darauf hinzuweisen, so nach dem Motto Pech gehabt! Eine Unverschämtheit!!! Einmal und nie wieder!!