vulcanelli di macalube
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Was really looking forward to this and drove for 3 hours to get there.... However We got there at about 2:30 there today 26th October 2014 to find it Closed down, by the Police by the look of the signs, sorry I don't read Italian. However there was red/white tape stretched out everywhere and signs around suggesting that you would be in mortal danger if you entered. We did think of trying but found that we were followed by a guy who didn't speak English but clearly said No and Periculoso......
Macalube is indeed a great experience to visit. Under the calm bubbles of gas,water and clay there is a great explosive force waiting to unleash itself.Two young children were killed here in Sept 2014. Enter at your own peril.
I saw that first time! All area is covered with small mud volcanoes from which U hear sizzling and gas discharging. Every now and then it spits out the liquid slurry. Great experience before viewing Etna.
Not easy to find the place, although there are several signs along the way. There is no parking lot, just saw cars parked so we knew we had arrived. The signs have faded long ago. Do not expect an orderly trails. Too bad the place was abandoned because it could be a wonderful tourist site. Despite all that, it is highly recommended to visit the place, as you can see in the pics.
Located 4km south of Aragona,it is a strange,moonlike landscape of mini mud craters and sporadic mini geysers resulting of the methane gas mixing with salt water and clay. Our 9 years old grandaughter told us that it was the highlight of her Sicilian trip!
Where else in the world can you see something like a gurgling clay field? and did I mention it's free! nothing in Europe is free! the signs are faded, but you can always look up this scientific wonder on Wikipedia when you get back home. Definitely worth the trip. Not smelly at all, and safe for kids. How many beaches can you see in one trip?
Spectacular anomaly which you can get close to and touch for yourself. No fee, no time limits, no people around... just you and the weird force of nature.The "vulcanoes" are 40-100cm high and bubbling with mud...Take your dirtiest shoes since you WILL get dirty.
Off the beaten track, but well worth a visit. You have to search hard to find the live "volcanos"; we had a help from a local environmentalist who was leading a school trip. But it is a wonderfully quiet and atmospheric place, where you could spend a whole day connecting with nature.
It's an interesting place but it gives you the sensation of an abandoned/forgotten place.There is no parking at the entrance. You don't feel so confortable leaving a rent car in the middle of nowhere just like this. There is a street and fields around. You can enter the reservation Macalube di Aragona on your own. There are a few faded indications but it is not enough. It's not clear what you can do and not do, where you can go and not go...What a pitty! It could become a nice attraction.
Il posto merita di essere visitato. Ovviamente non si deve fare allarmismo x quello che è successo nei mesi scorsi.Sono dell'idea che la natura è imprevedibile e anche se ci sono tutte le protezioni di questo mondo se ha da succedere la cosa, accade.Prudenza e rispetto al primo posto. Conviene documentarsi prima di visitare il posto perchè potrebbe apparire noioso, ma vi assicuro che il fenomeno è unico e singolare!
Wir waren im Besucher Zentrum. Dort hat uns ein sehr engagierter Herr erklärt, dass im vergangenen Jahr zwei Kinder tödlich verunglückt sind. Seither ist das Gebiet von den Carrabinieri beschlagnahmt und verriegelt. Wir haben viele Informationen erhalten, nur eben rein in schriftform. Ein sehr interessantes Gebiet, aber leider eben geschlossen. Was natürlich verständlich ist.
Je rijdt er voor om, moet zoeken, een stukje tussen de velden doorlopen en dan kom je uiteindelijk op iets dat zich het best laat beschrijven als een veld met gedroogde modder. In dat veld kleine, conische vulkaantjes, waaruit wat water en modder borrelt op onregelmatige tijdstippen. Een heel gek gezicht en er zijn er, verder van de ingang gelegen, nog veel meer. Wie van dit soort verschijnselen houdt en een miniatuur Etna wil zien, zeker de moeite waard.
ci sono stata con la mia famiglia, il passaggio é unico nel suo genere. l'unico particolare negativo che posso trovare é nella segnaletica stradale un po' carente.consigliato
E' stata una bella esperienza visitare questo luogo, sicuramente unico nel suo genere. Devo però aggiungere che non è positivo che non sia controllato: infatti noi siamo entrati facilmente; nessuno all'ingresso, bambini in bicicletta che scorrazzavano lungo i sentieri...per fortuna che il periodo non era quello delle piccole eruzioni. Ma poi sentendo ciò che è successo ultimamente mi viene da pensare che non si può sfidare la natura!
besonders empfehlenswert für Geografie- und Pflanzenfans! Das Gelände ist frei zugänglich und man kann die Macalubes richtig blubbern sehen.