villa roman
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We were really impressed about the beauty of the remains. It is astonishing to experience what the romans were able to make 2.000 years ago. It is really worth the drive to the place !! Do not miss !!
Certainly not worth the bother!! Agrigento temples are stunning and a must if in Sicily so are the ruins at Selinus. If it's the mosaics that interest you then visit the parliament building in Palermo. Now the mosaics in the chapel are something else!!! The roman villa isn't anything spectacular, it's over priced adequate ruins with adequate mosaics. I have been to many UNESCO signs across the world but this one certainly doesn't live up to the name.
The villa is an impressive and humbling reminder that life in the past was as elegant as today. The villa possesses the most magnifient ancient and well perserved mosiac tile floors anywhere on earth based upon the research and information presented. The tiles depict the Greek and Roman hunts throughout the Roman empire and how the animals were shipped to and from Egypt. The room tiles depict the stories of the culture at that time. One can easily recognize the rooms of the children, much like one can spot a room that is a nursery today. The villa can be very crowded so consult your host as to when times are best. If you arrive in a crowded time, do not rush as the crowds appeared to ebb and flow. Do not feel that you need to rush through this villa. Definitely not a place for strollers or wheelchars though. If you have a young child, consider placing them in a back carrier or sling if a baby. The audio guide was POOR. Recommend a guide book that you look through BEFORE you start so that you understand more fully what you are about to observe.
Don't miss this. Amazingly preserved mosaics which make you marvel at how these Romans lived. Go early as there are tons of tours, and they overtake the place.
Wonderful opportunity to see these remarkable mosaics, superbly preserved. Well organised site, and quite easy to park. Unmissable! Also, good value (adult entry fee is a few pounds, children free).
We were highly looking forward to seeing the mosacis, but so little was open (the place is in the process of being refurbished) I wouldn't waste the time to go there.
Premetto che ci sono stato più volte in passato, la Villa è straordinaria, una delle meraviglie dell'antica Roma! Purtroppo come spesso accade in Sicilia, la gestione del sito è stata data ai privati e 14€ a persona per l'ingresso più un paio di euro per parcheggiare l'auto non vale più la visita. Rimane invano il tentativo del terzo mondo di entrare nel business del turismo.
Une villa remarquablement conservée ou on prend conscience des normes de standing pour une maison impériale .Les mosaiques sont à couper le souffle.
un site remarquable : une villa de plus de 3000 m2 datée (je crois) entre le IIIème et le IV siècle, découverte dans les années 1950. Des fresques de céramique au sol magnifiquement bien conservées : une véritable "bd". Dans une des salles, des romaines en bikini !!!!
Quando si entra nella Villa Romana del Casale vicino a Piazza Armerina, ci si rende conto di quanto fosse stato grande e potente l'Impero Romano e di quanto quel popolo riusciva a costruire opere per il proprio benessere, pari a quelle che costruiva per la guerra e per la propria espansione. Bello i sito archeologico nel suo complesso un poco meno il contorno commerciale nei dintorni (bancarelle, trenino turistico, ecc. ecc )
È molto ben tenuta e bella da visitare. Le didascalie sono complete ed esaustive. Forse il biglietto è un pochino salato.. 10 euro a persona.Si cammina tanto, almeno 2 ore per vederla bene. Sconsigliata se c'è troppo caldo!!!
la zona della villa romana è fantastica ma come al solito mal curata impossibile visitarla da fuori sem.una serra per i pomodori , io sono di origini siciliane ma vivo da 15 anni a rimini ma per lavoro sono almeno una volta al mese in sicilia , ma realmonte in particolare la villa romana è semplicemente abbandonata a se stessa peccato non saper valorizzare la zona
Non li avevo mai visti, solo in alcuni libri, li raccomando obbligatoriamente da visitare.Ma e' stata una giornata particolare, abbiamo visitato i mosaici, la villa romana, la cattedrale di Enna, il lago di pergusa, abbiamo pranzato in un locale tipico a Caltanissetta, completando con un bel cannolo alla ricotta.