pope's palace (palais des papes)


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pope's palace (palais des papes)

The residence of the soveriegn pontiffs in the 14th century is the largest...






亚维侬以教皇宫闻名 但进入旧城区之前 可先在城墙外先驻足欣赏一座中世纪断桥 如果夏天造访 (六月下旬到八月初) 运气好的话 也可以在城墙外看到薰衣草喔! 面对教皇宫广场左侧旁拾梯而上 城内城外 一览无遗 景观超好! 钟楼广场上咖啡馆 餐厅林立 旁边为购物街 优闲午后 一杯咖啡 常有街头艺人各项表演 甚是惬意! 周日商店休息 冬天城区冷清 夏季艺术节时 去凑凑热闹吧!


我被这个地方的历史迷住了。显然,这个地方本是要成为下一个 St. Peter's 的。我对其中的作品数量感到震惊,但现在它只是个空壳了。去一次就够了,我不会再花钱去看了。




这里有中文解说器 记得租用 里面很大 并且可以认为是单行道 进口和出口不在一起 我们开始就没找到路 总想原路返回出去 好在工作人员一再提醒才没有搞错 走到深处 有一个很大的大堂 阳光照进来 非常有感觉 一定要看




Drive down from Chateauneuf du Papes on a Sunday (wineries closed) and was worth the trip. Spent about three hours touring the Palace and did the bridge. Be sure to do both, and if you go in the winter take a coat as there is no heat which is to be expected. Very much worth the time and admission price!!!


Didn't know anything about the history of the Papacy in Avignon so was looking forward to having a wander round, but didn't know what to expect. In short it's a well organised museum with a good audio tour and it's well worth a visit. 13.50 euros when we went, but that included the bridge as well (the one that no longer crosses the river) and the audio guide is only an extra 2 euros. It's a magnificent building of course and you get to walk around most of it. The audio guide gives you all the information you need and it's structured in a way that's easy to follow. There isn't much in the way of exibits, probably because the place was ravaged after the revolution, so if you're expecting a smaller vatican you'll be disappointed. The place is massive so even in summer I imagine it will feel empty, it's also really cold inside which would be a boon in the hotter months.


It's amazing in its history and structure, the architecture is amazing. Then you come to the modern art, ummmm, yes not the most appropriate thing for a palace, a pope, or anything for that matter.


Firstly I would recommend spending just 2 euros extra on the audio guide as this definitely enhances the experience. The halls and rooms are almost completely empty of furniture or artifacts thanks to the French revolution, but the sense of history and the story of the structures make up for this. We visited on a cold rainy day and was a perfect way of avoiding the weather. You can take as much time as you need and can take photos in most rooms, except those with painted walls. Also for an additional couple of euros you get to visit the Pont d'Avignon, which is also very good and includes an audio guide.


very historical - lots of stairs to go up and down - especially if you want views from the top. Well marked and described inside


The Pope's Palace is an espectacular castle and palace where you could felt the history and beatiful medieval pictures.


The pope's palace is worth a visit. The historic aspect of the palace brings into light the culture at the times it was constructed. The tour is well marked and many restrooms are available.


This massive building impresses by its size and complexity as well as its history and importance to the Catholic Church. It is worth a visit (particularly the "secret Palace" trips outside the main tourist season).

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