the corrie ten boom house
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很享受这次旅行,甚至超过Anne Franks’ house。在这儿,同Corrie及其家人的谈话开启了旅行。随后就开始参观,可以看到躲藏处, 了解这家人对所有荷兰人的影响。我们从阿姆斯特丹坐火车过来,很方便。需要等待,因为解说一会儿用英文,一会儿用荷兰语。我们是上午11点半到的,必须等到下午1点的团。整个参观用了45分钟。
哈勒姆离阿姆斯特丹不远,坐火车很方便,值得一游。这是座很可爱的小镇,不像阿姆斯特丹那么热闹。CtB house的旅行大约一小时。记得你是在一间屋子里,所以游客人数有限,以便给游客最难忘的体验。有意思的是,解说的女士是犹太人,转信了基督教。解说是在 ten Boom的客厅里进行的,演说者态度严谨,可以感受到她的信仰坚定。Corrie对基督的信仰,以及她的家庭为他人的付出都很令人感动。客厅里的家具被翻新过,有很多ten Boom家的照片。躲藏处和其他躲藏的地方的设计很聪明。不考虑信仰问题,这个地方也值得一游,它展现了一家人为避免迫害和大屠杀为其他人做出的牺牲,他们的信仰和对人性的爱。
I went on a very nice English tour, it's a great way to spend a free hour and a half of your day if you can get on the tour. The guide was very knowledgeable, check the door before you plan on going since it tells you when the next English tour is.
Our visit to the Corrie Ten Boom house was a great experience in Haarlem. It was really interesting to hear the 'other side' of similar stories such as that of Anne Frank and her family. While there were some religious undertones it was a great tour and the hiding place has been brilliantly maintained.
Really interesting visit. Only small groups of ten at a time. Which makes the visit rather intense and personal. Amazing lady that helped hide the Jews during the Second World War. There are lots of people that line up outside the Anne Frank museum and I was surprised on my visit to Amsterdam that this was not listed as a place of interest to visit. I only found out because I was staying at a Christian hostel who mentioned this place which is a 15 min short journey from Amsterdam Central Station. On arrival one is seated in the living room of the house which remains untouched since the family left with family portraits adjourning the walls. We are told the story of Connie by a member of the Connie Ten Boon house who knows the story from start to finish. The tour lasts an hour. It is really moving and one winds through Connie's life as one winds through the labyrinth of the house. I really recommend a visit.
I gave this museum a 5 star rating because of several of my friend's comments. Unfortunately, I didn't plan ahead enough and so I missed seeing it in person. You must make arrangements at least 1week in advance for your tour which ensures that you have a guide who speaks either English or Dutch. Also it is closed on Sunday and Monday. We did locate the museum and Mr ten Boom's jewelry/watch shop easily. It is right in the heart of Haarlem. I was disappointed that I had not checked into the above details before I arrived in Holland. Don't make my mistake, plan ahead!
Loved hearing the history of the ten Boom family and the sacrifice they made for others during WWII. Important to never forget. Highly recommend visiting especially if you have seen the Anne Frank house. It completes the circle.
I had read the Hiding Place many years ago and found the story fascinating. To finally see and tour this amazing house was surreal. We were able to do the English tour and it was not a disappointment. A must see. So glad I could finally visit.
what a brilliant tour and a great testimony to the bravery of the Dutch. Just finished reading Corrie's 'The Hiding Place' in preparation to our visit and so glad I did. It's a privilege to be able to visit here.Haarlem itself is a nice place, market is on Saturday, nice chips from a chip van.
This was the place I was most looking forward to seeing in my 3 weeks away...and I was not disappointed. I can not explain in words how humbling it was to walk the stairs, see the sign in the window, see the Bible Casper the end of the tour we had tears in our eyes with the thankfulness of a beautiful family and a more beautiful Savior. Do not miss this experience.
Felt very inviting, it is no wonder that it is. The building seems somewhat charm full, although the story is so sad, we found the visit not to be depressing at all. To the contrary it is a marvel at what people of great faith can do when overcoming such adversity! We had a full tour starting in the living room while we sat we were explained the Ten Boom story. We were then given a tour of the entire home including into the "Hiding Place" closet and even up upon the roof top. We got there late the first afternoon, but returned EARLY the next day. It is a small tour group so get there an hour-1/2 early.
Our tour guide was seven years old and present in Haarlem during the Nazi oocupation. She now volunteers at the Corrie ten Boom house as a tour guide. Her passion is apparent and we could have listened to her for hours. Brought tears to our eyes and so very important to remember and recognize the people such as Corrie Ten Boom and the work she did. A must see stop if you find yourself in Amsterdam area.