cote d’or beach
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A long beach of white sand... km of it all yours...the sea just like a swimming pool...the palm and tree sheltering you.
We were there when the tide was coming in - a beautiful white sand beach with blue water, lots of small boats moored just offshore. Not a ripple on the water (surf was definitely not up!). Very pleasant spot. Just behind the beach there is shade among the trees and the street has a nice range of cafes/restaurants, souvenir shops, convenience stores and ATMs.
No pictures can do justice to the true beauty of this amazing beach until you feast your eyes on it for the first time. My husband and I have been to Praslin and in particular Anse Volbert on four occasions over the past few years.Cote D'or stretches for four kilometers and offers breathtaking views, soft white powdery sand and the aquamarine Indian Ocean. It is perfect for romantic strolls right up to the granite rocks to the right or just relax on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The water is lukewarm and it is just amazing to float in the shallow water and take in the breathtaking scenery from the ocean.The water is very calm. Do not expect big or rough waves. A coral reef prevent the waves to reach the shore with full force.Do watch out for baby stingrays when entering the water. We have seen a couple of unfortunate tourists with bandages around their ankles on each occasion.No wonder this island is, according to legend, believed to be the original Garden of Eden!
Cote d’Or Beach is a big bay with a long beach. But the water is sandy and there may be algas. Restaurants and villages on the beach.
Perhaps this is the most vivid impressions in my life was when I first saw one of the most unusual beaches of the island of Praslin, Seychelles! What can I say? =) Water incredibly turquoise and crystal clear! Sand is fabulous!))) In short it is a paradise on earth =)
plage jolie mais pas ma préférée.très fréquentéeallées intéressantes car semées de vendeurs ambulants ou on peut acheter aussi bien à manger que des paréos , bijoux etc...,
Sono innamorato di questa spiaggia lunghissima di sabbia fine e bianchissima, dove l'unico rumore che si sente il rombo dell'oceano che arriva sulla costa ed annebbia la vista con il suo salmastro sulla vegetazione. Qui si può veramente dimenticare di essere degli europei e pensare quanto siamo fortunati (ancora) a vedere dei paradisi in terra.
Noi alloggiavamo al villaggio italiano cote d'or, e abbiamo passato 10 gg di viaggio di nozze bellissimo!!!Questa spiaggia e bellissima,ma ricordarvi di girare e visitate le altre spiaggie e isole!!!
Vicino al paese con la bassa marea è stupenda. Sabbia finissima ed ideale per passeggiate. Vicino ai negozietti per fare shoping.
Пляж с виду симпатичный, но много водрослей, и из-за отсутствия волн они начинают тухнуть и пениться в горячей воде, особенно это ощутимо, когда подъезжаешь на пляж на катере и выходишь в воду, очень неприятные ощущения, про купание здесь лучше не думать.
Пляж понравился больше, чем Анс Лацио. Широкая полоса пляжа, пустынно, плавный вход в море, можно нормально плавать. По пляжу приятно совершать пробежки. Справа и слева пляж огорожен валунами, там можно долго бродить. Фотографии получаются потрясающими.Справа в океане есть большии камни - к ним можно дойти и там тоже походить (неплохое развлечение). В кустах сидят большие крабы - забавные.
Красиво полюбоваться пляжем из окошка машины или автобуса. Но при ближайшем рассмотрении - ничего особенного: много лодок, тусят местные (может нам не повезло?)...в общем здесь не чувствуется романтика Сейшелл...
Era la ns spiaggia xke abbiamo alloggiato al le duc che affacciava proprio su questa spiaggia. E' una spiaggia lunga con sabbia soffice e bianca adatta x fare lunghe passeggiate,con acqua bassa x un bel pò (x nuotare degnamente bisogna allontanarsi dalla riva). Peccato x le alghe che la corrente portava sempre a riva...
Bella e lunga spiaggia bianca, ideale per chi come me è amante delle passeggiate..comoda vicino al paese/negozi e locali..Una visita è d'obbligo